What must the sponsors think

I tend to agree HSWT, it's not been the best lately with people like Paddy and Rigger making only the briefest of appearances before sliding back into anonymity. That been said you probably have to take the good with the bad.
I said earlier, you got to stop answering the ******** powerful scaff and master.. they are obviously taking the piss and will drive people away, I'm not answering anything these two nobs post again... and delete their ***** and ban them...
Exactly. The sponsors have their own agenda and whilst it's always good to hear from them as I like to keep abreast of any developments they will just have to put up with it for me. Benny is a first class ass and he thinks he is funnier than he is but he is also a scaff, maybe not qualified yet but a scaff none the less.
Its all part of life. Theres a self styled hardman in every pub and someone who boasts about his car in very street. Bound to get them on a forum as well.

You and I both know he would crumple like a cheap suit the first time someone really challenged him though.
Do you reckon they are from other forums out to annoy the regulard
I think Master is a member having a laugh and Benny is probably just a young un who thinks he is funny but is actually a total nerd still waiting for his nads to drop.

I can all ready hear the answer from him,


Just to save you the hassle Benny.:cool:
id imagine viewers of this site would see a professional place that can inform and supply people with what they need be it jobs , material or men but also a place where there is plenty of crack and a good laugh , and one or two people looking for arguments
Forums have a lot in common with pubs

Anyone can walk in

But if you have a decent landlord in your pub he slings out the scum and looks after his regulars

Don't know if we still have moderators or what powers they have in taking down or removing post's

Can anyone enlighten me, thanks
I think they can still remove or edit as they see fit Rigger. Good analogy by the way.
Forums have a lot in common with pubs

Anyone can walk in

But if you have a decent landlord in your pub he slings out the scum and looks after his regulars

Don't know if we still have moderators or what powers they have in taking down or removing post's

Can anyone enlighten me, thanks

However, the problem that the landlord has it that some of his regulars like a quiet chat over a pint in the corner and some of them like to get hammered and have a blazing row with anybody who wants one.

The point I am making is that I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. Every decision I make gets met with a load of emails either praising or criticising the decision.

Sometimes I let things slide to allow members freedom of expression and other times I try to remove and censor things. It is difficult to strike the correct balance.
A difficult job well done Admin. I have made comments before about freedom of opinion and the right of speech but when it comes to people just being insulting you have to draw the line somewhere.
Keep up the good work we will be back on track after this minor disruption soon!!

I agree but taking the piss out of lads out of work and abvously here just to be as insulting as possible without saying anything of substance is pointless. Maybe there should be a three strikes n ur out system if people get offencive or bully without reason.
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