What more Dangerous!!

If their not, a site manager I suppose.
Explain yourself Ragscaff.
Site Agent, at least there,s something honest about a board band ripping your finger off. most site agents will stab you in the back first chance they'll get.Them and f@king brickies..:suspicious::suspicious::suspicious:
a board band butcher me once , there was a little split in the band itself sticking out like a little knife , we were passing boards along in a chain to each other next thing i knew blood was squirting up in front of my eyes, didnt feel a thing not even a tug , when i looked to see where blood was coming from i realised it was my wrist, it had a 3 inch slash across it maybe half or quarter inch deep, ripped 2 veins in half and was millimetres away from a pulse thing in my wrist you could actually see it pumping away, lost about a pint or so of blood in no time , luckily working with a lad who was a nurse in the T.A, and all the wagons had recently been supplied with kit bags which included first aid boxes ( in fact so recently no one even thought about them at first till they suddenly remembered they were there ). HaHa i kept looking at the wound and it made me nearly faint , but everytime i pulled myself around i would immediately look at it again with the same effect lol i remember pouring the blood out of my gloves i was only 16 yrs old at the time , one of the lads had to run about half a mile to get the boss ( no mobies then lol ) i think he sprinted the whole way and when he got there was so fcuked couldnt talk , so boss threw him in van and told him to point the way HaHa boss thought id try to commit harry carry cos lad had been panting so hard trying to tell him what had happened.

But I still think site agent bit more dangerous lol
If their not, a site manager I suppose.
Explain yourself Ragscaff.

Just banter mate.

Had more injuries on board bands than anything else, & nails but thats a different story!

They rip your clothes , you get cuts on your shoulder, arm , hands etc.

But yes some site agents are a lot more dangerous!!!!
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