Weather Protection


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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Without every purveyor of ancillary components bombarding us with the latest idea on what we should or shouldn't be doing to protect our jobs during the winter months, I was wondering after a week of 80mph winds and driving rain what additional precautions are you taking during this time? Without prejudice, I would have to say the safe linxs board retainer has to get my vote as it seems to be working perfectly and at last I can get a good night's sleep when the wind is howling as I know the only thing falling of the roofs here at the moment is the tiles and the odd chimney. :cool:
Without every purveyor of ancillary components bombarding us with the latest idea on what we should or shouldn't be doing to protect our jobs during the winter months, I was wondering after a week of 80mph winds and driving rain what additional precautions are you taking during this time? Without prejudice, I would have to say the safe linxs board retainer has to get my vote as it seems to be working perfectly and at last I can get a good night's sleep when the wind is howling as I know the only thing falling of the roofs here at the moment is the tiles and the odd chimney. :cool:

My precautions in this weather mate is, take 2 extra sarnies for bait,and a cup of soup. Extra £20 on the hip incase of getting rained off (just for a pie at the pub) and watch those boards rattle, and cut off all the debris netting on a job n knock.;)
Good answer Paddy, can't argue with that one. The country boy's on the other hand just have to grin and bare it.
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