We are now as bad as America

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Today I interviewed an guy who had a slip trip and fall accident at work. He attended Hospital , had all the xrays and checks and was given the all clear then the consultant before he left pulled him over and told him to take 6 weeks off work and handed him a pile of paperwork about his injury. They all stated the name of a major LAW company within his area and the Consultant told him to ring them. Then the consultant said to him "Merry early christmas".

The guy went over on his ankle FFS. does other Safety consultants think this is good practice by the Hospitals and would you back me if I took this further via Goverment Health Minister?
Sue culture nowdays,SSS. Guy was given the all clear. Something not right there.
A lot of companies set up on a no win no fee. Parasites.
this is why we are all paying to much on insureces it make me sick last year i ran my boy over in the yard he did his leg in but was back to work with in a couple of weeks thankfully my lad was not badly hurt, but the hospital give his details to a load of no win no fee lot and he must of had 40 of them calling him about makeing a claim it make me sick.
well interesting one my mate has lost hes scaffolding career due to some numpty knocking him off hes bike on the way home from work 3 years a go he snapped hes ancle in half hes waited 3 years for hes claim and will never be able to scaffold again hes drove a skip lorrie and earnte peanuts rather than the decent scaffolders wage he is used too it was estimasted from hes solisitor that he would recieve 480,000 due to never being able to scaffold again incase hes leg gives way while scaffolding. so hes lost hes career he rang me the other day and told me he has recieved hes compensation 100,000 sounds good but thats 380,000 short of what he was exspecting hes solisitor said in todays climate it was okay discrace i would say to think hes lost hes career. 100.000 for a scaffolders lost career who has to drive a skip lorrie now for 280 a week is a discrace its no wonder people are claimming left right and centre even the ones that have got fook all wrong with them!!!
yes i know what you are saying mate but it is how much the solicitors make out of it what make me sick if your mate has been offerd 100k you can bet they are make the 380k this is why they let it go on for years and because of this we are paying a lot more on insurance, so it never gos to the person who got injured always the solicitors.
I heard local councils are paying out on bogus claims , pavement trips,low branches etc 1 - 2 grand without challenging,cos its a few grand a day fee for investigators who would drag it out. Heard of same people making more than 1 claim. parasites everywhere.

Dico,couldnt your mate do a few supervisors/estimator courses,would keep him in the game
Maybe if the people who claim for feck all and get thousands, were stopped from doing it, and the payouts given were more comparable to the incident in the first place , then genuine claims would get exactly what they should deserve,

you read about people getting £100,000 because someone hurt their feeling, then read about soldiers or people who have had life changing accidents getting paid paltry sums of £15,000 to £60,000 and these people have lost limbs or even worse.
I heard local councils are paying out on bogus claims , pavement trips,low branches etc 1 - 2 grand without challenging,cos its a few grand a day fee for investigators who would drag it out. Heard of same people making more than 1 claim. parasites everywhere.

Dico,couldnt your mate do a few supervisors/estimator courses,would keep him in the game

that 480,000 that was estimated was hes whole scaffold career from comeing off the tools to a supervisor to high management level even 480,000 was short in todays climate!! but to get only 100,000 was poor to think that you can get 2,000 for whip lash in a car shunt dont think thinking about!!! if he was black and got called a niger he would of got more!!! not saying that iam racist coz iam not but its true thou
The system is all wrong, we do have to protect the little guy but as usual they take a mile.
the guy was willing to go back to work..

now his head is f***ed.....
the hospitals are out of order and somebody must be making out of it probably the consultant,as if hes not on a good enough screw as it is.

its not when there has been gross negligence in hospitals the bestards close ranks immediately
somebody ran into the back end of my motor in July this year, reported it to the insurance company and the other driver claimed full responsibility, within 7 working days i was approached by over a dozen legal firms all wanting to handle my case and get me a fat wedge for injuries incurred, i had no injuries so i declined all their offers but it gets you thinking should i jump on the band wagon and get an early xmas box
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