

Well-known member
Mar 27, 2013
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Did a scaffold for a Vosa guy today and to be fair he was a pretty decent guy, (unlike most)!
He was giving me a few pointers and tips as regards the wagon and what they are now looking out for. I don't know if this has already been mentioned on here, but he said any scaff wagon not sheeted at the rear to stop the tubes coming out will be nicked. They introduced this apparently last Christmas time.

He also informed me that Vosa operatives carry chip and pin machines to fine you on the spot, it's mainly used though for continental truckers.

He said before when you got a pull it would be a managers discretion as to whether you would get a fine or not. Now it goes straight to the hierarchy that inform your operators license and 3 strikes and your out!

He finished off by saying Vosa love scaffold wagons as they have to find at least 40% defects on all pulled wagons and a scaffold wagon usually has them :eek:
I wonder how coal lorries work now then. I was always amazed to see the bags of coal balancing along the sides without anything holding them in place.
I wonder how coal lorries work now then. I was always amazed to see the bags of coal balancing along the sides without anything holding them in place.

Around this way you see a few bagged coal wagons with netting over the bags and the rest just balance them as you say.
And they do fall off on a regular basis.
Smart ar sed ***** the lot of them, they always have a sarcastic comment to make “well strictly speaking ” seems to be there way of starting any conversation
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