Union or not


Dec 1, 2012
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Hi fellas, im going to get my BOSIET n MIST next year, if i get the chance to get offshore should i be in the union and if so which one........cheers
It just means they use you to fill a whole when required to start with and if you play ball you may get a permanent berth.
No problem Dan, good luck with your new career path but I will tell you it's not all that and not for everyone.
Once any scaffs starts offshore you should get your self protected right away by joining the Oil.Rmt this is the most active Union out there and you can get in touch with them 24/7 now as you know some so called scaffs will always talk about how much per month and so on .
it takes one hours work per month to give you and your family 100 percent protection if you are down manned in the winter season you can loge your card till you start back no need to rejoin
If you are thinking about getting out there then if you look at whats happened in the last few years with choppers Gas leaks food poisoning and so on , get your self protected
You would not drive a car without any insurance so why take the chance out here in this hostile environment when anything can happen so its your call
next year on 06/07/13 is the 25tTh anniversary of the Piper alpha this can happen any time out here its just the nature of the beast on a Rig or a chopper so give your family some Peace of mind hope this does not sound to much of a rant but this is the way of life for any real scarff that' follows his predecessor
Regards Old scaff hope this is not to hard hitting tropps
Your Decision To Join A Union Or Not Dan, Iv Been In Ucatt Since 1979 And Its Never Done Me Any Harm, Id Rather Be In The Union Than Not.
i am personally in unite but whatever you are in any representation is better than none especially in the climate we are in when workers rights are being eroded by the minute.;)
I am also in unite and if you have any issues it`s amazing how quickly they get sorted if you mention contacting the union . OILC are the most proactive union offshore it`s just that I have been in unite for almost 15 years that I stick with them .
can you tell me what adhoc is......cheers:embarrest:

Ad hoc means as and when required ,some lads I know ad hoc all the time and earn decent money .They like it because they are not stuck on the same platform all the time which can become tedious.
Alternatively you might get a regular slot some where and enjoy it.
its a an old drilling terminology
Available Daily Hourly On Call
But as you Know in the Oil game your just a boiler suite no matter what your postion is
your as good as your last tea break
be safe

Thanks for the replies lads it makes sense really to be in the union. i understand the adhoc bit now, maybe thats not such a bad thing.
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