Umbrella companies?


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2011
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Alrite lads,
can anyone try to clear this up for me.I'm not fu#king stupid bit Im jobbing on an agency but being paid through an umbrella company, as an infill.8 hours x 5 =40 hrs @£16 top line£640.
Less national insurance and tax say £160 =£480.
I was told the with expenses put in my tax would be reduced i've put in one hundred and thirty's worth and still cleared £474 so how the fu#ck does that work out? is the umbrella company skimming this off or what? sounds like its time to do one Ta
Next time put in at least 300 in the more u put in the less the taxman has. I do at least 400 a week. Hope this helps bluesy.
the more expenses the better , the expenses deduct from your top line and what is left is what u pay tax on
I always found it easier to pay the 20% and do my tax return on line in April.
It works better for me as I've yet to find an umbrella company that can do your money without f.ucking it up.
I also don't like paying two lots of NI which you will if you put reciepts in.
yea they take £20 or near and stop £30 holiday money which i can cash in that still leaves me about £70+ a week short???
Nice one swifty that sounds like the way forward I wont be putting up with this sh#t much longer ta

---------- Post added at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------

Ta john
i prefer to do my own tax also , using a composite company is good short term , but looking after tax yourself enables you to get a rebate , then you claim for everything,phones,computer,courses lightbulbs in your house, fuckin everything
Same here. Using an umbrella company at the moment but paying 20%. I'll claim it all & then sum back in April. That way I can put shiiite in like washing work clothes, phone bills, boot laces & owt else I can think of. :laugh:
Bluesy seems if you re putting your expences in,they charging for accountancy fees. Agency I worked for in the past stopped 20% tax,£3. weekly public liability,and 8.3%( ???) contractual holiday pay and the holiday pay is not a statutory entitlement. Dont remember how much was stopped for NI. Probly better off as Swifty,jb78 has mentioned and sorting your accounts on line at years end. I think the basic stoppages will be around £31.00 in the hundred.:confused:Got me thinking now:worried: Just started with a company but only pay through an umbrella co.
Last one a used was payco. 20% tax then 4.95 insurance and they took 15.
Not bad but still hate the c.unts
Why are we scaffs paying these scum bags any part of "our" hard earned earnings. They do nothing but sit back in their nice warm offices and cream off are pay packets. This must be outlawed and send these fcking leeches down the road and see if they can a earn quid in the real world, I FCKING THINK NOT...BUNCH OF CNUTS.
That's a thing that's always annoyed me aussiebob in all walks of life. My old man used to say there was 2 types of dog, your pot filler and your pot licker well I have always disliked non producers of this world creaming off the sweat of others.
once you fully understand how to abuse the tax system through a tax rebate , you would not use a composite company , these companies are teams of accountants who use your expenses to drive down your bottom line , so you pay less tax , but the way i see it is that at the end of that tax year when the composite company pays their tax bill for the 100 men they have using them , thats when they make their money , its almost like the composite company's gettin a big rebate when paying loads of peoples tax bills ,
Bluesy seems if you re putting your expences in,they charging for accountancy fees. Agency I worked for in the past stopped 20% tax,£3. weekly public liability,and 8.3%( ???) contractual holiday pay and the holiday pay is not a statutory entitlement. Dont remember how much was stopped for NI. Probly better off as Swifty,jb78 has mentioned and sorting your accounts on line at years end. I think the basic stoppages will be around £31.00 in the hundred.:confused:Got me thinking now:worried: Just started with a company but only pay through an umbrella co.

Ardmore by any chance? They take 8% retention each week, robbing cnuts
im wondering why an agency will say to you , if you are self employed we will pay you £12 an hour but if its paye you'll get £10 an hour why does the agency want to pay you more for self employment , they i assume must have a vested interest in getting the person to go self employed and having wages paid by either sterling or whatever other composite company they reccomend , im thinking obviously if you go self employed this makes it easier for the agency as they dont need to sort the tax but im left thinking WHY cant i just be a normal self employed person and pay my own tax and NI , Why, must i use a company who want to make money off me , and WHY do you get more for self employed as opposed to PAYE

---------- Post added at 05:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 PM ----------

OK ive just realised u get more pay because youve no paid holidays an such , ie: dont work or dont earn , but why must i use an umbrella company , can i say no?
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