Ucatt??? Anyone a member?


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2011
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West end London
Alright gents just curious if anyone is a member or have experiences with ucatt?? I'm particuly interested in what benefits they offer now I know they back you if you say you had an accident for example is there anything else they can do for ya

Only asking as I know they hold quite a lot of clout in the industry and for £11 sobs a month seems silly not to join but wanted ur opinions first ;)
i was a member but sacked it needed a bit of advice regarding been on notice a few years ago and basically the didnt want to get involved so ended up talking to a welder on site who put me in the right direction lol
Alright gents just curious if anyone is a member or have experiences with ucatt?? I'm particuly interested in what benefits they offer now I know they back you if you say you had an accident for example is there anything else they can do for ya

Only asking as I know they hold quite a lot of clout in the industry and for £11 sobs a month seems silly not to join but wanted ur opinions first ;)

Unions = waste of time.

Not worth the money, hardly do anything when you really their support and, from my experience most Shop Stewards are no good slimey b.astards who only do the job to benefit themselves.

From my experience anyway.
Iv Been A Member Of Ucatt For Thirty Five Years Bobby, Never Done Me Any Harm, In Fact The Trade Union Movement Has Done Us All Countless Favours Everyday Of Our Working Lives, All Right There Are Some ********* But You Get Them Everywhere. And I Would Rather Have The Union Movement Than Not Have Them.
Cheers gents yet again for the answers and my decision.....,,,,,.

Even more uncertain now!!!! Lololololol:laugh::laugh:

Nah I've got a welcome pack on its way out so ill have a butchers thanks again boys
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Iv Been A Member Of Ucatt For Thirty Five Years Bobby, Never Done Me Any Harm, In Fact The Trade Union Movement Has Done Us All Countless Favours Everyday Of Our Working Lives, All Right There Are Some ********* But You Get Them Everywhere. And I Would Rather Have The Union Movement Than Not Have Them.

Well said better to have something than nothing at all I've allways payed my due,s even when being overseas for long periods.
I'm in Ucatt. A price of a pint and your covered for legal protection. Also under new rules if you take a company to a employment tribunal, then you pay a fee just to get the employer there!! However if you are currently a union member. They pay it for you.
mack money h and ger i appaud your posts and sentiments i am personally not a ucatt member but unite,but for 12 quid a month the back up i have had in a few situations has more than payed back what i have put in.
Harking back to the BRITISH JOBS FOR BRITISH WORKERS STRIKES they were all wildcat and illegal (due to laws brought in by maggie)but the unions did work behind the scenes to organise the whole movement,which resulteds in VICTORY for the working British Man;)
Its About Having The Decency To Think About And Look After Others Happy, Thats One Of The Many Things I Hated About Thatcherism And The Unbridled Lust For Money She Brought Into The Country, Being a Trade Union Member Isnt About Going On Strike Every Ten Minutes, Its About Thinking About Every Other Person In The Workplace And There Conditions, Not Just Your Own.
Ger the British Jobs For British Workers wasnt for the site i was on its was for support for the guys at LOR who walked because their shop steward got sacked and men got laid off while the client brought in NOT POLES OR EASTERN EUROPEANS but ITALIANS and Portuguese who were payed less and kept on a barge.This was all in contravention of the NAECCI/Blue Book Agreement.
The result was the men were re instated and any workers got the full rates as per the NATIONAL AGREEMENT.
THE MORAL of the story is the italians and portuguese were all sent back because they were too dear now.
I went on strike for the future of the BRITISH ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION WORKERS FUTURE and to protect the NAECI Agreement which was hard fought for over many years before i came into the game,not for personal gain;)
We Nowadays Are Working In Conditions That My Grandfather Fought For Years To Abolish, Terms And Conditions That His Age Group Went On Strike For And In Some Cases (Extreme I Grant You ) Went To Jail For Are Now Regarded As Normality, Things Like The Zero Hours Contract, I Mean What A Fekking Disgrace, My Point Is This, Maggie And Her Shower Brought In The Legislation But Who Voted For Them? I Will Never Forgive A Lot Of Good Working Class People For What They Did To Our Country You Only Have To Look At Some Of The Forum Members On Here Thatcher Was A Saint. My God If These People Could See Themselves As Others See Them.
heading back in to the dark ages rapidly,unions seem to have lost their teeth now days.
ZERO hours you couldnt make it up i only heard of them this year when my cousin informed me that TESCO are now taking on people on these so called contracts.
Then you have AGENCYs asking men to go on UMBRELLA contracts on long term positions instead of the client taking the guys on THROUGH THE BOOKS.The end result is the TAX man gets lamped in the short term at least and the worker has no fecking rights as HE is SELF EMPLOYED
The rights and conditions that were won by our forefathers are being given away as GER so rightly stated.What next paying for your sons Apprenticeship as was the case in the late 1800s and early 1900s:mad:
Unions Havent Lost There Teeth Fred, The Raft Of Anti Union Laws That Were Passed In The 1980s Were Never Repealed By The So Called Labour Government, And Its More Or Less Illegal To Withdraw Your Labour (Not Strike But Follow Your Concience And Do The Right Thing) I Have Never Had To Do This In 34 Years But Would Never Hesitate If I Felt I Had No Choice. And I Will NEVER EVER Cross Any Picket Line, I Dont Care Who Or What The Dispute Was I Would Never Cross Any Picket Line.
Not Any More Disreputable Than Tory Boy Cameron And His Bunch Of Upper Crust Clueless Twits.
Not Any More Disreputable Than Tory Boy Cameron And His Bunch Of Upper Crust Clueless Twits.

Exactly , unions, politicians, supervisors are all a bunch of lying cants , wouldn't trust any of them . They will send you to fight battles for their own gain , ask you to pay yearly subscriptions on the pretence they will fight your battles and grass you up to the gaffer if you wont work in the rain
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