Triple Bar Test for Nuclear new Build.


Jul 28, 2013
Reaction score
After some help lads and ladies.
Does anybody know if a training book/video regarding the Triple Bar has been printed.I've heard a rumour that you can pick something up on line ref a mock test,with Q and A.
Any help much appreciated.
Is this for your supervisors h&s touchscreen test - if so its all on line - just av to watch a few videos & Q&A after it
well seen its Saturday night and like a fool I clicked on the link
for some weirdo piercing :eek:
Nuclear New Build

Sorry men it's neither the supervisors course or the Scaffolders bar bell ???.
Triple Bar Test for Nuclear New Build.
NUCLEAR NEW BUILD tends to give it away ??????????????????????????????

Once again thanks for your reply.
Maybe so in your last post digger but you didnt state that in your opening post & not everyone on here works on nuke sites - the tripple bar nuke test that forms part of your supervisors h&s touchscreen test is also for new build and comes in the form of 4 video seminars with Q&A @ the end that have to be passed to allow you to work on site & are on the supervisors test as it is assumed that as a supervisor you must have a basic knowledge of it to work either buildside or frogside such as AWRE Aldermaston.cut & paste the following link

Preparing for the TBNNBS test - CITB
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