

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
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This is something i feel i have to write, so for some of you who i am wasting there lifespan with reading my last post, dont go any further, considerate arnt i.

I would like to thank my firm HERTEL who i only started with in january this year, after not working for 6 months or more cause of my ECITB ticket, for putting me thru my part 1, paying my wages for while i was on it and all expenses, without me doing the CISRS route, i would have been unemployable again in December,some of the other lads on the course had to pay for it themselves, and were not getting paid for the time off as well, others after finishing for the day on the course, they were going to work till 9pm just to get some money in to pay there mortgage, so thats why i am very grateful for my company's help and support.

Also i would like to thank one of the forums sponsors SIMIANS, it was at one of there training schools, that i did my training, ( Beckton ) the training theory was interesting, learnt more on the technical stuff than i did when i did my inspectors ticket, with another training school. The instructor Simon Stevenson, was very knowledgeable and came across well, on our course had lads with between 7 and 30 years scaffolding experience, so maybe that made life easier, than being with 8, 17 year olds. But the whole experience was not that bad, hope the 6 months flyby, and i can get my part 2 out the way, better make a start on my portfolio, lol.

Anyone thinking of doing there CISRS tickets (Part 1,2 and adv) and are in the South East, i would highly recommend doing it at Simians in Beckton, also they do loads of other courses.

Thats me done with my speech, i could have done like the Oscars and thanked my mum and dad, my Mrs for standing by me, thru the good and the bad times, more bad times lol ( i am a scaffolder after all) for all the
old scaffs who i have learnt off over the years, i could go on and on, oh best i not forget to all the new scaffs ive come into contact thru the forum and the SCCR for all there help.:):)

Right thats me done honest:nuts:
Nice speech Animal,and well done,now yous a proper scaff. You learnt a bit then!!
In metric.. How longs a piece of string ?lol
if ya keep doing speeches like that you'll be sitting side by side with Ian and Simon. well done.
T Animal, cheers for that its nice to get some good positive feedback and it shows you are never too old to learn. I learn everyday.

Nice post... your last one was a bit weird, if you were some famous super scaff who failed his part 1, people would have laughed about it , but to post you failed and then keep queit for ages before saying " well , actually I did pass " was a bit odd mate.
Mr T.Animal, with posts like this are you trying to move in on my Chairman post!!!!

Good work mate.

well done mate but i still believe a man with 20 yrs exp shouldnt have to prove himself to anyone

I make you right, but thats the world we live in, i have had to do it and as i said im grateful someone else is picking up the bill, but it shouldnt have come to this, im not a street scaff, ive had regs and guidance ram down my throat, for years, for guys over 10 years experience, maybe do a 5 day course, maybe someone come to your place of work and assess you first.
T Animal, Thanks for the last post it entertained us all...Now you have your part 1 (get to work and get some real scaffolding done)...... but still a 21ft tube is still 6.4m..... :D :nuts: :D
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