training providers


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Northwest England
Iits like a white elephant in the room,you are a business,i get you need to make a profit,i understand certain instructors slip through the net

,but for the love of all thats holy do you really think what you are doing is improving the safety and training of scaffolders old and new

,OR is your method of charging through the roof for every facit of your business,grabbing any instructors you can from anywhere,f*cking lads off courses for simple reasons,turning idiots out qualified,
using basic sales techniques such as FOOTFALL THROUGH THE DOORS as your main premise and ethos for the foundations of your business,

im carded as a result of ****** training and can honestly say if it wasnt for the integrity of the part 1 instructor id have fucked it off on the part 2 course,i have lived and worked all over this planet and i know a cash cow when i see it,Until the training providers start showing integrity and real interest in the industry they represent im afraid scaffolding will continue to go downhill in safety aswell as wages,

i saw 2 guys become competant part2 ticketed scaffolders who i wouldnt trust to paint fittings let alone erect a independant,these moneymaking outfits need to change there ways or have blood on there hands

I dont need patronising with some bigger picture ********,every bloke on the advanced and part 2 courses to a man felt they werent in it for the training,but they were in it because they HAD to be,that is a terrible INDITEMENT on what the training providers are giving us

like football it starts at the grass roots and build on that,

theres a rotten stench through our industry at the moment and its office dickheds making money off decent blokes doing a dangerous job,training providers should be disgusted with themselves,like a closed cartel pulling money in off funding and churning out any old *****,your corrupt to the core and my fight for better wages and conditions starts with you,

sent my £10 off to the sccr lets see if you really want CHANGE
that was like listening to myself , im a prime example joe , trained 14 years ago but the place was a joke, £12,000 was paid for my training , how many cisrs courses is that? now im half way there, part 1 and a 2 day kwikstage , ive worked about 6 months out of the past 3 years and paid £1600 quid to get where i am now

then 2 weeks ago i begged cisrs to give me another 2 weeks to pay for my part 2 that i should have started on monday , but they couldnt even do that , yes joe , its just about going , youd have to kill someone to not pass , sayin that i nearly got thrown off for nearly having a fight ,

now im lookin at having to go to england or wait another 4 or 5 months , so now my part 2 will cost me about fuckin £1500 or something , if i had less morals i would sell fuckin drugs , but i want to work , im gonna phone about this simian place and the other one Neta

---------- Post added at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 AM ----------

i said before id join the sccr but still havent , i will do soon , a fuckin tenner is alot to me right now

---------- Post added at 01:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 AM ----------

id been trying to stop slagging the industry , but like life, its not fair
me begging , Sent: 16 May 2012 13:55
To: Martin Strowger
Subject: part 2

Hello , unfortunately i have been struggling to have this paid. I realise someone else could have this place on the course. I am confident that i can have this money paid before the end of the month as i do want to be on the course. If this is possible that would be great , if not i understand.

Thank you

---------- Post added at 04:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 AM ----------

me gettin told to bolt :
As the course is only 2 weeks away, I would suggest cancelling it and booking one later on, let me know what you would like to do



Martin Strowger
Finance Administrator
National Construction College

---------- Post added at 04:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 AM ----------

now , if that space was not filled , its a fuckin disgrace
I crnt coment on the price as round here it seem to be dirt cheap cost me 800-900 part 1 part two cost me 1900 well if i leave with in two years lol and ams sure that was 850 and thew day assesment up here is 200 the instructor had asked the fella why he didnt put the prices up his reply was i dont need to rob the lads of there wage honest m8 try the spot i gove you spot on but am justa contry bumpkin and it might be a loda dog w4nk lol
I just made my point. You are getting very boring I've just wasted 5 minutes on you and I won't be doing it again assh0le/
master look up christopher hitchens,hes one of my heroes sadly departed this planet,he combats ridiculous statements made by hugely powerful people and makes them look like the idiots they are,he also uses the tactic of ignoring dikheads as to argue with a dikhead is a futile act,i from this point will treat you with the worst contempt possible,,,,ignorance!

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------

right jb lets see what we can do for you,maybe come at it from different angles,4 days paid and 1 for free,calling big industrial painting outfits and saying if you help me complete my training i will pay for a pasma course once qualified and can then cover all aspects of your scaffolding needs,think outside the box mate as theirs a lot of good positive people out there and a positive phone call with a new idea might be well received,one thing mate never give up,keep plugging away and one day things will all line up for you;)
I'm not on the forum as much as I used to be, but every time I log on, i have a quick look, all I see on here is Shiite from the master. People should ignore that ****, don't respond, don't bite, ignore the cunnt, u don't involve idiots like that in our industry, if he is genuine then I've never come across such a complete plank in my life. But rise above whatever is going on in his head. And don't give him the time or space that his ego requires. I've had to waste 3 mins on that idiot right now. It won't be happening again. Maybe everything he's ever posted could be deleted, I'm sure I'm not the only one, sick of reading his posts. Gives no benefit to the forum. Just seems too much of this going on lately. :(
Good to see you posting again T.Animal, and he's 100% right. Ignore him!
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