Too Many Falls through Skylights


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Dec 6, 2010
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The HSE has prosecuted two companies after three workers fell through skylights on three separate occasions at an industrial unit in Warrington.

The initial incident took place on 20 March 2007 at Bizspace Investment Ltd’s facility at the Craven Court industrial estate at Winwick Quay. A caretaker at the site was cleaning guttering on the roof when he fell through a fragile skylight, and suffered multiple broken ribs.

Following the incident, one of his colleagues, having been sent to take photos of the scene, fell through a different skylight. He landed feet-first on a mezzanine floor and escaped without injury.

The firm hired Anthony Massey, trading as Massey Roofing and Building Contractors, to repair the skylights. On 10 April 2007, one of Massey’s employees was carrying out the work without safety equipment when he, too, fell through a skylight. He sustained serious spinal injuries, which has left him paralysed from the waist down.

HSE inspector Martin Heywood described his astonishment that three similar incidents were allowed to happen on three separate occasions. He said: “A man was sent on to a roof without safety equipment, despite two caretakers falling through skylights less than a month earlier.

“As a result, the worker is likely to need to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life. If the project had been properly planned, using appropriate equipment for work at height, then all three workers would have remained uninjured.”

Bizspace appeared at Warrington Crown Court on 7 January and pleaded guilty to s2(1) of the HSWA 1974. It was fined £5000 and ordered to pay £9000 in costs.

Anthony Massey appeared at the same hearing and pleaded guilty to breaching s3(1) of the same Act. As he had been declared bankrupt, Massey received a 12-month conditional discharge.

Following the hearing a spokesman from Bizspace told SHP: “The conviction of Bizspace only related to the falls of their two employees, not that of the specialist roofing contractor, which was clearly the most serious of the three.

“Judge Hales accepted that neither employee was instructed by the company to go onto the roof and indeed, that there was no necessity for them to be there. This was reflected in the low level of fine imposed.”

Inspector Heywood added: “More workplace deaths are caused by falls from height than anything else but companies continue to allow workers to balance dangerously on roofs. It is vital lessons are learnt from this tragic case
HSE seem to have done their job here to the book simian looks like the JUDICIAL system that has let the prosecution side down here,handing out such punitive sentances like they have isnt doing much to create the deterant needed to stop such accidents.
I heard someone fell through a skylight at Walkers Crisps before xmas from S and S scaffold.
I heard someone fell through a skylight at Walkers Crisps before xmas from S and S scaffold.

Site agent on one of our sites in Salford told us ,he said the scaffolder died.Not heard it off any one else untill today,very sad if true.As for the roofing boss,easy way out going bankrupt,These people must have no moral scruples.
Site agent on one of our sites in Salford told us ,he said the scaffolder died.Not heard it off any one else untill today,very sad if true.As for the roofing boss,easy way out going bankrupt,These people must have no moral scruples.

Yeah he fell and died, had a heart attack at some point so i'm told. i dont know how true it is but i was told that the scaffold contractor asked the company to pay for netting but they wouldn't, its not going to look good in court if thats the case.

its always sad when things like this happen, they shouldn't if proper precautions are taken though.:sad:
I heard as well but I cannot find anything on it either
if he worked for mr massey then if mr massey hadnt give any safety equipment then im sorry but shouldnt imprisonment have been a better sentence because if it been a scaffold company we would have faced the full firing squad. WHAT A WEAK SENTENCE MR JUDGE HALES. You should be ashamed of yourself.
If people r so thick to walk on skylights,on there head b it,or legs,or side
yip a scaffolding company would have faced the full wrath of the establishment steve what a waste of good life mate eh.
I heard as well but I cannot find anything on it either

I only heard from one of the lads who used to work there but he doesn't know who the guy is, all he knows is he's around 40 with a toddler, shame.
yea i would say shame for the lad whos got to sit in a chair the rest of his days,all to fix a roof bit rough on his family that one hope his wife dont turn round every day and call him stupid and silly for not noticing the skylight.heart gose out to the lad.
I know that a lot of scaffolders call the health and safety advisors and inspectors but does this not seem to justify their jobs?

When your young or start on the job you don't know about the hazards, when your older there may be something you miss or don't see, i think its always good to have an extra pair of eyes on something?
whenever i was on a roof i would walk on span decks,youngermans or sometimes just boards and always after checkin which way the perlings went and at what spacings,there's no way i was fallin through a roof 4 anybody,wouuldn't even span across a skylight cos they are so brittle.
Fall arrest, inertias,restraint or moblie man ancores etc should always be used.Accident do happen and its sad,my comment earlier was a bit harsh but i was not thinking and didn't read the article,sorry if anyone was offended,thats me!
whenever i was on a roof i would walk on span decks,youngermans or sometimes just boards and always after checkin which way the perlings went and at what spacings,there's no way i was fallin through a roof 4 anybody,wouuldn't even span across a skylight cos they are so brittle.
Fall arrest, inertias,restraint or moblie man ancores etc should always be used.Accident do happen and its sad,my comment earlier was a bit harsh but i was not thinking and didn't read the article,sorry if anyone was offended,thats me!

the only person that should be offended was bizspace for letting an accident
happen 3 times on the same roof and being a cowboy outfit and employing a cowboy outfit with no respect for safety tell that to the bloke in a wheelchair
atleast you go home in one piece grum theres a right way and a wrong way grum you choose the right way gezzer!!
There was a similar incident here a while back and like most accidents there was fault on all sides but stupidity always plays a part. We did a lot of work for a small roofing company but when it came to low level quick repairs they would erect ally towers or the like to get to them. One such repair left one of the guys crashing through the sky light and landing in a classroom of students rolling on the floor in agony after breaking his arm. The tower they had erected was up to the gutter and the repair was well within easy reach from there but he decided to climb up the roof to see the view down the loch as it was such a nice day.(I kid you not) Hse went straight through the contractor who called us in, you should have seen the amount of scaffold we had to erect outside to cover the angle of fall should someone fall from the top of the roof and erect hand-rail around all the sky lights within this area and erect a fair size birdcage to catch any falling bodies. I'm not saying this is the reason this guy decided to go back to doing small jobs himself and not employ any one but it must have been a big factor. As for the poor soul who will now spend the rest of his life in a chair, you have my every sympathy but that will not get you the kit you need and I just hope the people involved make sure you are looked after as best as possible.
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