Tom has retired



Our friend Tom Hardacre retired in February, kept that on quiet.

The new contact at Unite the Union is Mr Bernard McAulay based in Leeds.

Our friend Tom Hardacre retired in February, kept that on quiet.

The new contact at Unite the Union is Mr Bernard McAulay based in Leeds.

And what a contact he is mate.
He is as nutty as a fruitcake !
well perhaps when our new guy gets settled in he may read everybodys emails that tom had so kindley sent from the forum ragscaff and sccr.
He came on the site I was on to, as he put it, address the workforce.
I kid you all not, I thought it was a wind up
He cant string half a dozen words together.
When I was told we were not on Candid Camera i thought about cancelling my Unite membership !
I honestly think he has been promoted so he f u c k s up big time and they can get rid of him !
He is a Major Jake !
just because someones more educated or in a higher position than some of us it dont mean there beter than us they all use bog roll to wipe there A!se
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