Threatened with legal action


Aug 25, 2011
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A couple of months ago one of my wagons got stuck in a ditch hard against a dry stone wall,the bloke who owns the wall reckons that the action of back and forwards to get out of the ditch has loosened the foundations(the wall is still standing and looks undamaged)and will cost about £3,500 to fix,so i got a local stonewaller to qoute for taking it down and rebuilding it(£650)so i said get on with it,however he failed to turn up for the job so i just forgot about it,anyway today(sunday)i get a text saying he's going to get a solicitor,and my gut feeling is to tell him to get who he feckin wants,but what can he or a soliciter actually do??anyone else been in a similar situation??
hes sounds like one of them who wants something for nothing mate, was he happy to let you get someone to do the work or did he want to get his own builder to do it.
hes sounds like one of them who wants something for nothing mate, was he happy to let you get someone to do the work or did he want to get his own builder to do it.

He was happy to let me sort it,but i dont think it needs rebuilding tbh:notrust:
Get another dry stonewaller to do the work it might save a lot of legal issues and £650.00 is a damn site cheaper than the £3,500.00 the greedy ba5tard wants
first off,did he have witnesses or pictures of said vehicle in ditch,if not,you have never been down that rd.he has to prove that your vehicle did it.
if he has said evidence,just get it built for the price thats lowest,dry stone walls are built on bigger pieces of stone dug into ground,so more than likely it will have disturbed them.
i had something like this happen ten year ago when i was driving 8 wheeler tippers,wagon in front of me caught a dry stone wall with his back wheel,when i went past i ran over the fallen stone,i got blame,had to go back day after and rebuild it.
Get another dry stonewaller to do the work it might save a lot of legal issues and £650.00 is a damn site cheaper than the £3,500.00 the greedy ba5tard wants


You could go down the route of getting Solicitors involved, asking for surveys, playing paper work tennis etc. But if you have already admitted liability then all you'll be doing is piling on more cost. Keep it out of court and just find another stone chucker.
I would agree with this BF. We have a similar problem although it wasn't a truck just the boy's trying to squeeze a full width scaffold in to too narrow a space and the wall was fekin rotten and would have blown over in a stiff breeze. Rather than fight it I reckoned it would just be easier to rebuild it and I am owed a few favours round here so won't cost that much. When the client comes back looking for a favour from me as the job is taking so long and the budget is burst they will of course be told to feck right off.:noworry:
Well i've had a think and now the wall is rebuilt,no more legal threats,everyones happy,except for my pocket of course lol,thanks for the advice fella's;)
Hope no joyrider crashes into it Steve before the farmer inspects it, or its back to the drawing board LOL
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