this offshore lark


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2010
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is really starting to pi$$ me off now.
all the lies you get told about money,overtime, and jobs out there.

3 of us have already been screwed over 3 times in the last 3 months with 2 different companies..paid off after one trip with bis salamis down south.

then RBG promised 18 months work on the judy platform .. downmaned after one trip
and now to top it all off just found out today we have been screwed over for 10 days money after being put off a platform after 4 days due to a power failure on board the fulmar..told we were getting full pay and now told we are getting fcuk all...
last chance saloon with cape for next monday out to the bp andrew...if that goes tits up the offshore life can go and get fcuked...

because this scaff aint being taken for a cnut anymore....

RBG must think that you can live of 4 days money in the month..and the one thing that has pi$$ed me off the most is the fact that even if you are employed by them dont matter when you ring YOU STILL GET TO TALK TO A FCUKING ANSWER MACHINE.....JESUS...

:mad::mad:RANT OVER:mad::mad:
Your quite right to be ragging mate.Ive heard a few horror stories about the oil and gas sector recently.All you want is what your entitled to,its not as if your asking for any extra.
The whole game is in tatters and its getting worse by the day.We need a real voice,not these micky mouse unions that are not worth a sook.
Ive been in the game nearly 17 years myself and never have i known it to be so bad.Im ready to throw the towel in myself.
Welcome to offshore life, they think you have a spaceship parked up the drive the way they phone you at 5pm & say be in Aberdeen by tonight to go offshore tomorrow.
this aint no welcome pal...been offshore for 6 yrs ....and to be honest the first 4 years were fine all bar a few extra days on due to fog ...but the last 2 have been a ducking nightmare shipped from pillar to post by stupid hr staff who have never stepped foot offshore.
RBG however seem to be the worst firm going bar none..they really do treat here employees with contempt and like you are worse than dog sh"t on there shoes.
OFFshore scaff if ya get downmanned off a platform again go and see the oim and and get it in writing that your gonna get paid m8 thats the only way you will get whats due. And as for RBG been **** on twice off them hope i never have to ring them again. But at the end of the day beggars cant be choosers. Good luck with Cape hope it works out for ya.
this was the problem we had coatsy..we had timesheets signed from talisman, and i had copies...but still they had been tampered with and we did not get what we were owed.

problem has been sorted with a few emails and calls to tailsman and the union..and all of a sudden we are due it...just shows rbg willing to try and take the p"ss at any given time.
you say beggars cant be choosers...well this beggars will never turn in another shift for rbg thats for sure

i would say cape are by far the best company to work for offshore ...just a shame they have lost so much work..

"i would say cape are by far the best company to work for offshore ...just a shame they have lost so much work.. "

and there lies the problem, the good companies are being driven out by the cost cutting of other companies,that cut everything and everyone to the bone.

This applies to all sections of the scaffold industry
Yes the scaffolding life for me
Yes offshore and onshore its all seasonal work
Long gone are the real scaffolding firms SGB GKN/Mills Deboras Bever Palmers these firms looked after their men .
Back in the day when SGB were in there prime they would easily have 500 scaffs on their books and it would be down to 2 girls in the Hr they would make sure that your pay was on time and your travel was in place no complaints from the old school in these days and there was some heavy lads roaming about the north sea
its now all down to the multi task firms now and who is the cheapest firm thats why were treated like >>>>> these days as the hr do not have clue how to speak to the men who are making the cash from them and also keeping them in a job sitting at a computer all day and looking at emails
I bring Back Maureen Hunter from Sgb and Audrey Todd from Gkn/mills thy woulld give all these hr girls a run for there money Audrey form mills Dundee 300 scaffs to sort out every week and not a call mist and Fag ash Lill Maureen for sgb powerchem with 500 scaffs and not a call mist
were did it all go wrong for the Scaffs??? No Union No Protection !!!
Ps rigger did you work on the fortes 1990 for GB and Morcame bay Gkn 1991
words of wisdom from the old scaff,i couldnt agree more had the pleasure of working for maureen didnt work for gkn mills though.
now you have lads getting fecked about with no notice whatsoever.
getting put on meaningless courses just so that when the **** hits the fan they can be blamed as they were trained so that the incident wouldnt happen.
we are only numbers and sad to say it when your numbers up your numbers up
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