This game is over


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Apr 27, 2011
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The days of making a half decent living from scaffolding is over.The majority of jobs out there are all agency based with these umbrella companies paying your wages.What on earth is going on.Im on a job at the moment where your are on a flat rate for every hour you work,none of these agencies pay overtime money yet the company your on the job for still expect you to work the O/T.Its a no win situation.If your lucky enough to be employed directly by a scaffolding company,good luck to you and try to keep hold of your job.Im off to try something else as the situation surrounding our trade really breaks my heart.Come on lads we need to stand up for each other because we are being exploited at every turn and believe me its going to get worse.
I've only been in the industry since 1974 but I can remember when the boot was on the other foot. You would struggle to get a poor scaff for 200 a day and then only got half a day's sober work!
Your right of course you do need to stand together but possibly with a different outlook, consider the survival of the industry as opposed to the survival of the individual. Take the longer term view fella and all will benifit.

I wish you well
Too many foreign creatures have plagued this game and far too much safety nonsense as well. When I saw four indians taking down a house front a few years back I knew things where getting bad...
It's not about the person that is dismantling the scaffold on the front of a house it about the use of agencies. The main contract or scaffold company that use agencies do so because the government allow this to happen. If you are employed direct the company has to follow the law when it's time to finish you however an agencies will tell you YOUR NOT REQUIRED ON SITE AND WE HAVE NOTHING ELSE YOUR FINISHED!!!! We government needs to address this. Be it by tax breaks for the first 12 months for direct employies if the worker completes 12 months then the working man would have rites as after 12 months you have rites.
It is also down to the main contract that hands the contract to a scaffold company to ensure no third party sub contracting ie agency.
You will also find a lot of the scaffold companies insurance does not allow them to sub let ??
so true andy and very well only have to look at the post about the young lad who sadly passed away it states he was self employed.he was 20 for feck sake,not harness no training and probably not insured by the greedy ******* who put him in the position that caused his untimely death.
the game is fecked but with everyone sticking together for the better of us all maybe just maybe we can turn back the tide:mad:
Andy has nailed it right on the head, employees rights.... I have worked for agency's over the years mainly from 2000 til 2005 in between blue book jobs, and at the time we were quite happy to plod away on £13 an hour needing 45 / 50 hours a week to keep ticking over.

The motive behind the rise of the agency's must surely be to undermine employees rights??? (no notice, training, supply of PPE, Probably don't even ow you a common law duty of care????) and the clients are fueling the shafting of the working man, the client is usually the major companies.

If the agency's continue to grow as they have over the last decade and with the full backing of the big players, it don't bode well for the future??.................................

No scaff will ever get 12 months service that grants you employee protection... the job's fecked.
So true lads. I know people who run their own businesses this way. They have had the same staff for years. The people that work for them thru a dodgy agency agreement are happy to be employed. The employers know they dont have any responsibilities,like holiday pay sick benefits insurances etc etc. Someone define selfemployed please.
So true lads. I know people who run their own businesses this way. They have had the same staff for years. The people that work for them thru a dodgy agency agreement are happy to be employed. The employers know they dont have any responsibilities,like holiday pay sick benefits insurances etc etc. Someone define selfemployed please.

No employment rights what so ever frederik???????????????????????????:mad:

Unless you could prove disability discrimination, racism. homophobia, asylum:wondering:
lot of firms on paye using the matrix system. when work gets tight. so the days of first in last out are gone. its what you can offer these days ie can you drive what tickets you got work manner ect ect.
lot of firms on paye using the matrix system. when work gets tight. so the days of first in last out are gone. its what you can offer these days ie can you drive what tickets you got work manner ect ect.

Don't slag the matrix dico;) H**TE* gave me £19 grand for ******* it up:D

Probably blacked tho:wondering::D
Poacher mate, looks like you'de make a good football club manager:rolleyes:
Birmingham are looking ha
Frederick as you asked definition Self Employed as per Revenue website

Employment status: basic checks to help you decide

You can usually work out your employment status by asking a few straightforward questions.

You are probably self-employed if you:
  • run your own business and take responsibility for its success or failure
  • have several customers at the same time
  • can decide how, when and where you do your work
  • are free to hire other people to do the work for you or help you at your own expense
  • provide the main items of equipment to do your work

You are probably employed if you:
  • have to do the work yourself
  • work for one person at a time, who is in charge of what you do and takes on the risks of the business
  • can be told how, when and where you do your work
  • have to work a set amount of hours
  • are paid a regular amount according to the hours you work, and get paid for working overtime - even if you do casual or part-time work, you can still be employed
You can also be employed and self-employed at the same time, perhaps by working for an employer during the day and running your own business in the evenings. Think about each contract separately - you may find that you are self-employed for one but employed for another.
There's no legal definition of employment or self-employment, so if there's doubt about someone's employment status the decision is made by referring to previous judgments - known as 'case law'. Whether you are employed or self-employed depends upon the facts of your working arrangements, what your contract says, or a combination of both.
Thanks Rigger, I knew as much, a subject close to my heart ,but a long story im afraid. So best to stay dignified and move on.

By the way Ive copied this most informative piece. Cheers Rigger
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Poacher mate, looks like you'de make a good football club manager:rolleyes:
Birmingham are looking ha

football fredrick??? Rugby Leagues my game pal got a national conference premier winners medal with Egremont Rangers only Cumbrian club to lift the trophy in 1999 /2000 so long ago I have forgot:unsure:

Famous poacher quote " You don't get a face like this with Running"

love scaffold hate company mission statements that proclaim "no job is so important that we cannot take our time to do it safely and correctly":notrust:

Ha ha fu*king Ha:sick:
Welll done Poacher, Played the running game myself many moons ago. Played in NZ for a club called maritime and for Peckham in London early 80's. Peckham was the reserve team for Fulham in those days. Fulhams coach was Roger Bowden Ex GB standoff Hard as nails. Peckham, we had a useful winger Mark Elia who went on to Wigan or Widnes. Funny thing Fulham were the first southern pro team but all the players were based up away games were better for them lol
Harlequins RL captain Rob Purdham at 16 year old played in the conferenec winning team with his brother & the PTG Fred before going on to bigger and better things Fred, the tragic bit is that his older brother Garry was killed by the mass Cumbrian killer D Bird on June 2nd 2010........................

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Cant believe a years gone by since shootings. Strange how league didnt pick up in the south. There are a few amateur teams going down here. Started off with our old Peckham manager Bill Goodwyn.Oldham man..Grew to 3 divisions at one point. Great game.. Who you following up there Poacher?
football fredrick??? Rugby Leagues my game pal got a national conference premier winners medal with Egremont Rangers only Cumbrian club to lift the trophy in 1999 /2000 so long ago I have forgot:unsure:

Famous poacher quote " You don't get a face like this with Running"

love scaffold hate company mission statements that proclaim "no job is so important that we cannot take our time to do it safely and correctly":notrust:

Ha ha fu*king Ha:sick:

You would like it here then. Rugby League is massive here. We have a team largely made up from scaffs on the project.
There are some big lads and some big hits! I regularly go and watch, much better live than on the telly.
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