the reason for difference in pricing of 1.5m, 2m, and 3m lifts


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2009
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south london
entering into legal agro on a job, over the diffference in our prices for 1.5m , 2m and 3m lifts, and why there is a difference, arguing with a qs who differs that there is a time difference to erect each lift, and also in striking, ie reerecting a hopup to strike 3m lifts,he is not having it and wants to refer back to our cheapest price and use it across the board. consequently our payments have stopped till this gets sorted, we have served a 7 day notice on the company, we have quoted tg 20, sg 04-05, alll to no avail, anyone got any feedback to help my argument, would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.
Is the QS basing his comparisons on a square metre price or on a linear metre run. Obviously if it's on a square metre then 1.5m lifts involve more materials and labour per square metre.To my way of thinking 3.0 metre lifts should equate to 2 x 1.5 metre lifts to allow for the additional work in erecting and dismantling, especially nowadays as it's nigh on impossible to erect an advanced guardrail off hop ups.
hello mate, we gave a m2 rate, originally job was priced and accepted to go up progressively in bricklayers lifts, to be then adapted back to floor level lifts, ie about 3m,job accepted, at 11th hour the week before we started, they changed their mind and said erect in floor level lifts, then adapt back to bricklaying lifts as they go,this then incurred extra inside boards and handrails because of the now gap wherethe bricks should have been, he now wont accept all the extra costs involved as he said it the same as the original quote but in reverse, cock comes to mind.
They are cocks indeed Millwall , we have had similar problems in the past and you gotta look at if you want more work of them in the future , trouble is the legal route can end up costing you more then your owed really you should have re-priced the job , but like you say it was a start. You may end up having to grin and bear it mate , good luck with it either way :)
I take it you have done the work already, and are working from your original qoutation and the original purchase order recieved from the client ?
Sounds a bit dodgy to me. In my small limited opinion, they are either struggling or worse heading for the wall or the QS is trying to make a name for himself. Either way it shouldn't be at your expense. If it's none of the above, don't be bullied, you can save yourself a lot of heartache in the future by drawing a line in the sand now. We have been threatened a few times with "Do what we say or get your gear and get tae........." Most of the time, they get the shock of their lives when we start to dismantle and throw their men off the job but once in a while it can back fire and it wont be the first time I've stripped a job before a blow has been struck. Talk is cheap, especially on a forum, but don't be bullied least of all from a QS. Good luck.
Hi you give limited infomation so dont' no if this helps?
If you don't want to work for this company again, stick to your guns and follow the 7 day letter through.
If you want to try to resolve the situation.
1) put into writting how you have come to your new pricing ie inside boards extra handrails extra times taken. (send to MD and top site manager and qs)

2) You need to get paid for all the other work so, if possable temporary remove the items from your invoice that are causing the problems and re-invoice for all other work.

3) Allways keep showing the items on your valuations showing the the total amount but zero on the amount clamed for, for now.

Try to keep any more items like this as extras (that is if you want to do anymore work)

5) Ask for adudication details that sometimes moves thing along.

I think you may end up with some kind of compromise
are they still working on your scaffold if so pull the tags and dismantle all your extra work.
thanks mate. we did reprice the job and this is now where the argument is coming from, how can it be a different price when its the same job but in reverse they are saying, and this is where we are saying the labour cost is now different and the method of work is different,they wont accept and keep paying on account the figures originally quoted.
Don't you just hate the Qs's of this world. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just too much hassle for him to raise the correct paper work to account for the additional work. We quite often get asked to allow for extra's that are not even there yet and might never need so it can go on the original order without them doing any extra work what so ever. If they pay you by original quote you should try working to it and see what happens.
thanks for all your replies, was picking brains, cant draw aline in the sand because of contractual obligations, which would then incur l and d's, could pull tags but would have to show cause why, we are refusing to do extras on the basis of not being paid for contract work, we are omitting the new price in our on account payments, but they are stalling to have a meet because we would then have reason to pull labour, but have served the seven day notice and will keep you all informed, but can feel my pants being pulled down again, and this has nothing to do with my out of work activities, thanks once again.
I would think your sub contract refers to your original quote and its scaffold spec and to be honest anything over above of this would be charged at your agreed rate for variations/extras, ithink the QS is just stalling to pay you in the hope of you reducing it by the time finail account comes. The seven day notice may puish them along in the right direction ,but i would brake the costs down and give a reason by letter of why the increase in cost Good Luck
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