The Algeria Thread Poll

Should the Algeria thread be removed for ever?

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  • Poll closed .
Aug 5, 2010
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Consultant Scaffolding Manager AG&P Philippines
The "Algeria the lies end here" thread was recently removed by a moderator who said the thread was old and no longer relevant.
I believe the thread is still relevant as the last post was 3 days ago and the thread contains important information for any one considering working overseas.
However as a great believer in democracy I think it's fair to have a vote on the issue so here is a poll. If more people want it removed then it goes. 5 days of voting seems a reasonable time frame.
Whats on the forum, should stay on the forum. If members dont like what they read then they need not to comment.
I voted to keep it, not because of past issues with certain members but if things like this start happening then it would sound a death knell for the forum. If someone has requested it be taken down as it could sully their character then that's a different issue.
Is this a forum for men who work as scaffolders or for women? Too many can give it but not take it. IT SHOULD STAY
I voted for it to stay because of the immortal line "a good few hundred applied 6 was chosen".
I'm just gutted seven weren't chosen. I was looking forward to calling them the Magnificent seven. I also quite like the line "My Spanner on site does my talking".

On a serious note this will probably go down in scaffolding folklore, like the lifting on of the roof of Canary wharf with a helicopter, the job which every scaffolders in London worked on. It must stay, Jason Gibbs is a legend, like him or loathe him he always put his heart into it. and his foot
Yes I would start him as a scaffolder what happens on the forum stays on the forum l
Its funny, I don't come on the forum for weeks at a time, when I was on Jason was everybody's Bessie mate, writing guides, filming unfeasibly large staircases, I leave come back on five weeks later and his name is mud, what happened ? what went wrong, if you read his stuff he got loads of like by everybody on here. What changed ?
Yea that would explain it, you didn't do your abseil thing with the rope and wheel off his staircase did you ?
I'm voting to get rid as it doesn't seem right to be gloating over the misfortunes of others.
I didn't expect you to agree, but I think it's passed its sell by date now. There is nothing to be learned from that thread that isn't on other threads.

It's not there as a guide to the pitfalls of overseas working is it?

Did you mean rain?
I'm voting to get rid as it doesn't seem right to be gloating over the misfortunes of others.
That's a fair point Swifty, it was only JG that came in for the stick as he was the most passionate about the whole thing, and had the biggest head. The other lads lost out but said nothing.
Well if the forum goes all quiet you can put the thread back on and that will liven things back up!
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