

May 20, 2010
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evenin all, a quick question about tachos, someone try and clear this up!
im under the impression that if, you operate in a 50 km radius of your yard, drive a truck under 7.5 tonne , driving is not your main job and you are using the truck to move your tools and kit to work with you dont need a tacho?
any ideas?
only reason i need to know is , i have a second job and if i go on tachos quite a bit i have to have rest periods after my scaffold job which get in the way of my second job!
Vosa told us several years ago that had been abolished , it did use to be the case and its 50kms as the crow flies to

Id ring vosa up and confirm it bud
You are wrong my friend, if you operate in a 50 km radius of your yard, the company can if they want to, apply for permission to run their viechles without tachograph , but you would then need to keep a daily driving diary showing mileage when shift starts, where start from , then number of miles to destination, etc etc to every job then back to yard including times , so it is easier to use tacho, they can still check on miles and hours done .

for exact answer check vosa website or rta or rha websites

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

not you scaffy lol
you still have to keep a driving record or a tacho in the wagon with you , so any inspector wishing to can check on your recent activity, even if you get permission to run without tacho, it is the very reason we use tacho because we were given a choice by vosa either keep daily records or use tacho, when we enquired about it.
True. When l was working for a firm,12 months ago,we had the same thing about using or not using tachos. We had to keep a daily logbook & record in it the vehicles we drove,if l drove a 3.5tonner in the morning & then took it back,to pick-up a transit,it all had to be recorded.
id rather use u log book inside the 50 km, because my second job as a part time firefighter wouldnt be affected because if im not on tacho i dont have to have the rest breaks after work!?, im just awaitin an email from vosa to confirm this, hopefully!
the tacho just records hours an milage like the daily records do only tacho is simpler and easier for the driver as less writing to do , so unless you fiddle your daily record book you still going to be showing same hours bud,

Fireman involved in road accident found to be fiddling his driving hours while employed in second job as a scaffolder/driver lol:laugh:
Superscaff u are correct , i think vosa would be more interested in scaffolders not using tachos would attract more attention
I actually got pulled for this a couple of weeks ago and almost put all our wagons off the road :laugh:
Was asked to drive the 7.5 tonner with gear on to do a small job but was only in the thing half an hour when VOSA pulled me. Vinegar tits asked for all my previous tachos but I explained I had only just started driving the wagon. According to her I should have tachos from the last two days proving my hours and what/if any driving I'd done. I said, what's the fecking point of that if I don't ever drive the wagon and this is a one-off....at which point she seemed to get a bit agitated :cheesy: and went off on one. We 'exchanged words' and she came back with a prohibition notice while her wee pal ran round with a hammer knocking feck out the suspension etc. After a few minutes trying to calm her down she finally cancelled the notice and said I should fill in tachos for the rest of the week, which again seemed pointless given that I wasn't going to drive again, but I agreed to be polite.
I later found out that had she executed the notice our wagons would have been put off road for the day and I could be prosecuted which seemed pretty extreme. Gave the yard manager a bollocking because he hadn't explained any of this before I set off, and he just looked at me as if I should've known this already :suspicious:
Super is spot on , i had a 7.5 lorry tacho exempt a couple of years ago , and you do have to keep a log book of time you start , mileage done . Trouble is if you piss of VOSA they flag you on their computer and you will get pulled over all the time , just get a Tacho wallet and keep all yoiur Tachos in it , you have to produce your used ones if they pull you , if the lorry is used by different lads each day then a wallet should be kept in the lorry all the time , i have known lorrys to be seized gear and all.
evenin all, a quick question about tachos, someone try and clear this up!
im under the impression that if, you operate in a 50 km radius of your yard, drive a truck under 7.5 tonne , driving is not your main job and you are using the truck to move your tools and kit to work with you dont need a tacho?
any ideas?
only reason i need to know is , i have a second job and if i go on tachos quite a bit i have to have rest periods after my scaffold job which get in the way of my second job!
Your right mate, just been on the VOSA course last month. 5OKM radius from your yard, but you have to be a scaffolder not a driver and you can't go from 1 job to another if its beyond the 50km range.

If you think your truck is overloaded ( they usualy are)and you get pulled by VOSA, as long as your on the way to a public weighbridge you can't be prosecuted for overloading. Sounds like a good dodge but you would need to know every weighbridge near where your working to get away with it.

I would say though that every traffic officer seems to have a different set of rules which they apply at will.

In our new truck with a digital tacho, you have to keep 2 or 3 emply rolls handy in the cab. I told the VOSA guy that we never went more than 50km from the yard , he said we didn't need to keep any tachos in the lorry then !
We had an inspection last year and the guy told us we do not have to do tachos unless we anticipate exceeding the 50kM radius (as crow flies). What we do have to keep is the inspection records of each vehicle carried out by our mechanic (every 6 weeks) and a daily inspection record of each vehicle carried out by the driver.

From the pdf posted earlier the pdf page 28 of 57 shows the flow chart for record keeping which is what he highlighted for us.

We were also told to get an annual photocopy of all drivers licences which is signed/declared to be true at the time of copy.
ah that kind of tacho , i thought you meant meant them spicy mexican things , i never bother with them cos i havent got a liscence for them any way so if i get pulled im fooked either way
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