step ups and staggered handrails


Aug 8, 2010
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As I am required to use a step up for the advanced railing, I was approached by a NHBC inspector whilst stood on the step fixing the handrails after installing the ledger and told to get off the step as I was at risk of falling, I informed the guy about the ledger acting as a mid rail whilst the handrail was being put in. he still insisted in me getting down with the back up of the site manager so I had little choice but to do so, do NHBC have the authority to do as he did?,, the next issue was the contractors safety man is insisting on staggering the handrail, since when was it a regulation to stagger the handrail.
handrails don't need to be staggerred, ledgers and standards are staggered to prevent weakness in one area of the lift, if you hook onto the ledger when standing on a step-up then you are working to SG4:10.
apparantly you have to use doubles instead of singles on the corners now on handrails ,then switch to a single when putting the lift in .its all ******** slow you down if your on a price
i had the staggering the handrail argument loads of times . all safety men got bullied at school and are taking there revenge on us cool kids , my argument is if your working to sg 4 and always work behind a rail then stagger this rail to your ledger , what happens when you remove the handrail for ladders , loading bays , staircases . you lose the stagger on your ledgers . try telling that to the clueless fookers at lyndons ,god they make me embarressed to be a scaff
never bothered with stagger on h\rails.........also never put singles anywhere near handrails,always used doubles on handrails.
Pity you never had a handy pocket size guide to the new regulations and you could have educated him before kicking him square in the stones.:cool:
Guardrails don't need to be staggered, they have no function on the stability of the scaffold, other than just that a Guardrail.
A scaffolder needs to stagger more on a Friday with all these rules from different sites!! :eek::eek:
i always put the ledgers in the same and use the handrail as a stagger and aint been pulled on it yet
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