SSI reveal $1bn investment in Teesside steel


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by Jez Davison, Evening Gazette
Feb 25 2011

THAI giant SSI has revealed it is making a $1bn investment in the future of Teesside steel-making.

Speaking exclusively to the Gazette, the man now responsible for leading Teesside’s steel industry into a new era, SSI boss Win Viriyaprapaikit, pledged his long-term commitment to our area.

His comments after SSI signed a agreement to buy Teesside Cast Products from Tata Steel.

The deal, which will be rubber-stamped next month, is the successful culmination of a year-long fight to revive a 150-year tradition on Teesside after the mighty blast furnace at Redcar was mothballed last February.

Now, with the ink barely dry on the contract, SSI has given Teesside another vote of confidence by pledging to invest millions of pounds in the plant to make the area a world-leading steel hub once more.

Speaking to the Gazette last night, SSI president Win Viriyaprapaikit gave a revealing insight into his plans for TCP, which will start producing steel again in the final three months of this year.

First he wants to have the plant operating at full capacity, churning out 3.5m tonnes of steel a year.

But his long-term goal is to boost production significantly - pushing it up towards the 10m tonnes a year achieved in Teesside’s 1970s heyday.

He said: “Our first goal is to stabilise production at 3.5m tonnes then we will look to increase it.

“The plant has enough land and infrastructure so there is a lot of potential.

“This is a historic moment for Teesside and for SSI. We plan to diversify geographically and expand into new markets.

“We have no exit strategy. We plan to be here for the long haul.”

Mr Viriyaprapaikit also revealed plans for a 2m euros (£1.7m) fund to train local graduates and skilled workers currently out of a job.

He said the money could be used to re-train former Tata workers who were made redundant when the plant was mothballed.

SSI is seeking to raise the money from the Government’s Regional Growth Fund – a £1bn, two-year initiative to boost UK trade and get the economy back on track.

During the next six months the Thai firm wants to add 800 staff to TCP’s current 700-strong workforce.

Mr Viriyaprapaikit said he hoped to take on even more workers as production increased, although it was too early to say how many.

He is in talks to secure agreements that would see companies supply vital raw materials for the Redcar plant.

“We are now in close discussions with several raw materials suppliers with the intention of putting in place long-term supply agreements,” he said.

SSI’s $1bn (£620m) investment includes the purchase price of TCP, which is valued at $469m (£291m).

Around $150m (£93m) will be spent on improving the efficiency and environmental footprint of the plant.

Meanwhile $400m (£248m) will be set aside for day-to-day operations – taking the total investment to $1bn and giving SSI a vital war-chest to expand its Teesside operations.

The deal will see the Redcar Blast Furnace, the Redcar and South Bank Coke Ovens, TCP’s power generation facilities and sinter plant and the Lackenby steel-making and casting facilities transferred to SSI ownership.

It will also result in a Tata-SSI joint venture to operate Redcar Wharf - TCP’s bulk terminal - which will enable the Indian-owned firm to use Teesside to serve its other steel-making operations.

Tata will continue to operate two tube mills in Hartlepool, the Skinningrove special sections mill, Teesside Beam Mill and Teesside Technology Centre.

The company was keen to stress that it was not saying farewell to Teesside.

Karl-Ulrich Kohler, managing director and chief executive of Tata Steel in Europe, said: “This is certainly not an end to our association with this local community. After the deal has completed, we will still be one of the largest employers in the region with more than 1,800 employees.”

Business groups and unions hailed the deal as a shot in the arm for Teesside.

Geoff Waterfield, multi-union works committee chairman – who has lived and breathed the Corus crisis – said: “We always knew this site was too good to close and this is momentous news for Teesside. To get the deal signed, it is fantastic news.”

Tony Sarginson, North-east regional manager at manufacturers’ organisation EEF, added: “What fantastic news for Teesside, it’s great for manufacturing. Well done to all. Now the hard work starts.”

Yesterday’s announcement comes 656 days after Teesside’s steel crisis began.

On May 8, 2009, Corus - now Tata Steel - announced a 90-day consultation process with a view to mothballing TCP after confirming members of the consortium that signed a 10-year deal with plant in 2004 had walked out on the agreement.

It is also a year since TCP’s blast furnace was mothballed, temporarily ending 150 years of steel-making on Teesside.

Mr Viriyaprapaikit also praised Teesside’s pride and passion for steel-making, describing it as something he had never felt anywhere else in the world
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