Soon yer main card will be system


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
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Soon yer main card will be system.

Sometime in the future some one will ask yer, if you have you got a old tube and fitting one???????

maybee on street work but you still need tube and fitting.i cant stand the stuff personally dont know what other people think of it but it is quick
You will always have tube & Fitting. It's too versatile. Beats any system on complex jobs...even Layher.
With a Tube, fitting and scaffold board, there is no job that cannot be done. End of!
I'd say its gone the opposite way,around the local firms i think most have given system a go and still use it on the right jobs i.e. straight runs but most seem to stick to traditional t&f.
Always been a pain in the arse loading yer waggons when using mixed system and t&f.
Long live t&f.
They were saying that 10 years ago. Don't think system will ever take over friom t&f.
I think the only thing stopping system taking over at the mo is the price of steel,once that comes down 19 year olds with layher tattoos will be drinking alcopops down the local winebar:wacko:
hi guys, layher is just as versatile as t+f as long as the company has all the components which most companies have just the main stuff
Welcome to the forum Ashy. I take it your a system man?
aww been scaffolding 9 yrs with tube, layher, peri up, haki, cuplok and alistar, worked on new builds and street work, havent really done nothing important really, but what would u say is important?
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haha really???didnt think that was important no wounder i always get bollocked hahaha
hi guys, layher is just as versatile as t+f as long as the company has all the components which most companies have just the main stuff

WTF for sum jobs.... try getting through a load of pipe work on the way up its just not possible T&F for me all day long but what ever gets the job donr eh!
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