Some times the young'un's know best.

paddy carr

Jan 15, 2010
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
I work with my son, I have been at the same place 33 year come March. He has been with me for 7 year, and done his apprenticeship, and spent about 5 year working with other scaffolding squads within the company.

I am and allways been on pricework ( Thats how i am achey bakey) i used to make good money, and with me being on 'New build' i ran the job, so there was a continuation of work for the progressive completion of the required timetable. When i say 'Ran the job' I am not a gaffer, i just know with experiance how things work, and from there, try to keep every trade in work.

We now have 5 squads of 'Scum' (Brickies) on site, 24 3 storey plots of scaffold up to wall plate height, and no spare scaffold, my order has went in for more T&F and boards, however, the ammount of on-site scaff negates this order.

My original Question , however, My son ," Feck them all father, we still make our money by a Wednesday" Brickies couldnt give a flying Monkey about us"

I have always been proud of the fact that i can run a site, even though it is not my responsibility, regarding Scaffolding, Yes i have even been 'Stressed trying to organise lifts,and,moves.

Is my Laddie right......? Look after no1 or is it me trying to keep my reputation that is getting me down, while at the same time giving the 'Gaffer' a get out of jail card free?

Dont get me wrong guys, i am well respected through this company, however, when is 'Enough enough'.
So many times have I heard if you are good you will always have a job.

Always done the hours always done the unpaid over time!!

Good at what I do, never been looked after!!!

It happens!

Only you can decide if thats what you want, been there a long time, minor grip in order. Major one at this time may push you into a corner you cannot get out of!!

You know in your heart what you want to do, all Dinosaurs do in the end :rolleyes::rolleyes:
The 'Gaffer' i work for now, was my contracts manager, who gave me 18months, enabable me to undertke my TUC H&S Qualifications, also, He Fought my corner and won, for me to take a 12 month placement as a full time TUC official as a 'Worker Safety Advisor' which in the end i renaged on (££££££££££ lost).

That guy gave me the chance, so Loyalty, is my payback to him. I try to abide by the 'Golden rule' .

The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim,[2] an ethical code, or a morality,[3] that essentially states either of the following:

1.One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (positive form)[2]
2.One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (negative/prohibitive form, also called the Silver Rule)
The Golden Rule is arguably the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, in which each individual has a right to just treatment, and a reciprocal responsibility to ensure justice for others.[4] A key element of the Golden Rule is that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people with consideration, not just members of his or her in-group. The Golden Rule has its roots in a wide range of world cultures, and is a standard which different cultures use to resolve conflicts.[2][5]

The Golden Rule has a long history, and a great number of prominent religious figures and philosophers have restated its reciprocal, bilateral nature in various ways (not limited to the above forms).[2] As a concept, the Golden Rule has a history that long predates the term "Golden Rule" (or "Golden law", as it was called from the 1670s).[2][6] The ethic of reciprocity was present in certain forms in the philosophies of ancient Babylon, Egypt, Persia, India, Greece, Judea, and China.[citation needed]

Examples of statements that mirror the Golden Rule appear in Ancient Egypt, for example in the story of The Eloquent Peasant which is dated to the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2040–1650 BCE): "Now this is the command: Do to the doer to cause that he do."[7] Rushworth Kidder states that "the label 'golden' was applied by Confucius (551–479 B.C.), who wrote, 'Here certainly is the golden maxim: Do not do to others that which we do not want them to do to us.'" Kidder notes that this framework appears prominently in many religions, including "Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, and the rest of the world's major religions".
Yeh but dinosours are well used to geting kicked in the balls!!! :push::push:
Dinosaurs it is then, Tony (My son) ........ take the reins my boy on Mon, Yahoo, i might be ill with a bad case of 'flask break' and wont be in .
No Paddy not the extinct ones the ones let the alligator that keep taking it but stay alive. Just need the right balance.

You should be able to keep a step ahead at least two days a week!!
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So many times have I heard if you are good you will always have a job.

Always done the hours always done the unpaid over time!!

Good at what I do, never been looked after!!!

It happens!

Only you can decide if thats what you want, been there a long time, minor grip in order. Major one at this time may push you into a corner you cannot get out of!!

You know in your heart what you want to do, all Dinosaurs do in the end :rolleyes::rolleyes:
had the same ragscaff always broke a b!ollock would love a fiver every time ive reached the top of the ladder and reached the bottom again just numbers at the end of the day 33 years paddy long time mate your company must think a lot of you mate hard to find a decent company these days that treat
you what your worth hope you get another 100 years mate.
I expect I would order more gear if they have it in the yard ...... I would be down if I thought any trades can't keep working after all they are all working lads ...
If your firm hasn't got gear I wouldnt get them to buy more .....
i m trying to work out who your on for paddy. there cant be many firms that have been about that long , and even less that do new builds . 33 year . most of the older companys dissapeared with the smaller ones undercutting . give us a clue
only guessing here allan but i think paddy doesnt work for a scaffolding firm, i think he works for a building firm. there is only one house builder left still employing there own labour and kit in house that i can think of, and its just gone straight out my fcukin head haha bollox my mind gone blank now :nuts:
id say like me you been **** on pissed on told you that your the dogs bollicks but it comes down to a green back they will all **** you over, so you **** them first mate
mcalpine and laings would not be building houses or flats up to wallplates interserve or bellway
you keep them guessing paddy there want a go in your helicopter next
Dry ur eyes and get on with it ??
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