sold out again by our own government aaahhh


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2009
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we need to expand ou industrial manufacturing base to help pull us out of recession,and stave off any future recession was bleated by the billionaire osbourne if im correct.
then why i ask has daewoo in korea been given the contract to build 4 new tankers for the MOD at a cost of £452 million,to us the great british tax payer.
this is apparently the best deal for the british tax payer.
the thousands of reasonably well payed shipyard workers who would have all payed taxes on any wages,and also the fact that the moneys earned by said workers would be spent in the GB obviously doesnt come into the equation.
ive just got over the new steel contracts for ther new forth bridge being given to poland spain and someother shiithole we are probably bailling out soon. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
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