Slashing, when you DONT have to...?



Hi guys.

I have a quick question for you.
Now, i dont work on shiit jobs... i try my best to move from one big, decent paying job to another.

Call me lazy and that i might even 'hide' on these jobs, as i dont want to work for a living and blah, blah, blah.
To be fair - Fukk right i am... Ive done my time of breaking my back for peanuts and i dont much like it.
Give me a job where i do hardly anything - whilst getting paid as much as possible, any day of the week. :)

And even on these jobs, i STILL find Scaffolds that have been slashed up, and chucked up, for pretty much no reason.

  • No one is on your back.
  • Health and Safety is priority, making the work slower.
  • Neater the job - Less chance of a Site Agent or Safety Officer pulling it to bits.

So my question is:
Why do Scaffolders feel the need to slash the fukk out of a job, when there is absolutely NO REASON to do so?

These are NOT streetwork jobs or pricework.
They are big, Health and Safety crazy sites where you get paid for doing things properly 1st time, every time.

Imo, it makes no sense at all and only makes life harder for the rest of us and i dont understand why Scaffolds are still being slashed up.:wondering:

Why do you guys think that this still happens?
Is it laziness or is it just because the overall standard of Scaffolders is getting worse and worse?
Fecking lazy, no good scaffs.
No reason whatsoever, for that fecking sh1te, we put right tonight jase.
Never seen sh1te like that before on a network rail site.
Send me your email, I'll send them pics.
Ok mate, np.
Ill add them here, when you email them over to me.

What was that job like tonight though?
Unbelievable wasn't it mate?

I dont think even those pictures you took, would show how slashed up it was... maybe the worst iver seen, lol.
Any Scaff who knows the crack,
as soon as he see's them standards,
is gonna die from laughing.
I don't care if you have been scaffolding only a week,
anyone should know you don't base out like that.
I don't understand it either I am on price at the mo and I don't need to slash jobs up ,if you have a bit of pride in your work it helps,and I've found it takes longer to do it wrong than do it rite.
As with most trades a lot of it comes down to pride or a fkn big lack off it.
Lost count of the times I've looked at various jobs & just stood there & asked why?!!!!
For me, you're only as good as your last job & if you can't use that for a reference then you have a problem. My uncle was an old bricky, I did my first days work for him as a 15 year old. He past on something that has always stayed with me.
It can take 10 years to build up a good reputation & 1 day to loose it, + treat every house you work on as if it's your own.
I think Jason there's a mix of the two.

Lazy scaffs who are past caring, they don't enjoy it anymore and all they think about is getting down the pub to drown their miserable sorrows.

Then there's pressure from those above, bosses, and more recently I've noticed, site agents who put the scaffs under a lot of pressure. So to try keep everyone happy things are rushed up. Few years ago all I ever heard was "They're only going to be on it for a day!" as an excuse to put up a sorry excuse for a job, rather than doing it properly.
Got to agree,personally I think the standard(no pun intended)of scaffolders these days has gone down.They all talk the talk know regs inside out but still put crap up.Basic brickies lifts fu--ed up,braces missed,ties missing,toe boards ect.ect.Rush like f-ck then stand around for an hour talking cause they haven't got the balls to get off.Most don't seem to give a toss ,no pride in what they erect.I get called all kinds,not to my face,moaning old c-nt,fussy c-nt,etc.etc.Got told by one pot smoking Labrador that no one works the way I do any more,I took him to mean work hard!!Still maybe it is just me.Came from a time when scaffs where scaffs,no harnesses,no hard hats,plenty of bottle and we used long all day!!
100% agree.

To me, pride in your work is important.
Something that seems to be missing in alot of Scaffolders nowdays. - Its all 'Smash it up', b0llocks.
Theres no point doing something, unless your atleast going to try to do it right.

Like making a slice of toast, without toasting it enough or buttering it fully...
Whats the point? Lol.
most scaffs that that dont give a fcuk about their standard or quality of work simply got into the job when things were good and there was loads of money about.imo if they dont want to put up a decent standard of scaffold they should try something else like workin for the council and doin fcuk all.
From what I have seen, probably 90% of scafs have the ability to put up good or bad scaffolds, it depends on who their working for and where there working. Most worrying is that there is nearly 1 million unemployed youngsters who wouldn't want to turn to a trade for a living, working hard for their dough.

I was constantly told that i was a 'w@nker' when i first started and that spurred me on to get as experienced and qualified as possible.

I was from a different generation, where kids had atleast some idea of motivation and determination... which seems to have disappeared with the youth of today.

Shame really.

I was constantly told that i was a 'w@nker' when i first started and that spurred me on to get as experienced and qualified as possible.

I was from a different generation, where kids had atleast some idea of motivation and determination... which seems to have disappeared with the youth of today.

Shame really.

Hi Jason,
you sound like you've bin round the block a few times, how long you bin in it?
Who you wiv now?
Hi Jason,
you sound like you've bin round the block a few times, how long you bin in it?
Who you wiv now?

Im not that old tbh, lol.
I just feel old... i ache like an old man too. :sad:

I was constantly told that i was a 'w@nker' when i first started and that spurred me on to get as experienced and qualified as possible.

I was from a different generation, where kids had atleast some idea of motivation and determination... which seems to have disappeared with the youth of today.

Shame really.

i was always told i would never make a scaffolder all the time i had a hole in my a!se when will the whole go:laugh:
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