shut up or putup


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
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I am like most of us at work or not working sick to death of the goverment
saying there is more gloom to come and make us beleave there is no hope
why dont they say something ******* postive to make people beleave there is
a time when we will be back to some postive thinking and nomore
******* doom and gloom there the ones who are makeing it worse
every day its about others who are paying no taxes
well i am and so are most of the ******* working classes are
I agree, it does get you down but they have to set realistic targets, no use telling us all it's going to be magic next year when they know it could be 2016 before we get back to any semblance of normal.

The tax thing is another matter, I think I will enter into negotiations with HMRC now before my corporation bill drops through the door next year see how I get on.

Another thing, mates of mine were put to the wall by HMRC for an unpaid bill but they were good for it given enough time to pay which just means we have lost that cash as well.
Tax man has gone fu cking mad this last couple of years , they argued the odds with my accountant over the most stupid things , i should have listened to an old friend that pasted away a few years ago who said to me , Claim for nothing and do everything cash , he always seemed to do well for him self
Yeah, you and me both Phil but too late now.
The tax man will take every last penny if he can and leave you with nothing.make sure you ring fence you're assets or he will take them as well...
Fw: Fwd: TAX

At first I thought this was funny...
Then I realised the awful truth of it. Be sure to read all the way to the end!

Tax his land, Tax his bed,
Tax the table,At which he's fed.

Tax his work,Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts,Anyway!

Tax his cow, Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,Tax his coat.

Tax his tobacco,Tax his drink,
Tax him if he Tries to think.

Tax his car, Tax his gas,
Find other ways,To tax his ass.

Tax all he has,Then let him know
That you won't be done,Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers; Then tax him some more,
Tax him till ,He's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in,Which he's laid.

When he's gone,Do not relax,
It's time to apply,The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax -Airline surcharge tax -Airline Fuel Tax -Airport Maintenance Tax -Building Permit Tax -Cigarette Tax -Corporate Income Tax -Goods and Services Tax (GST)-Death Tax -Driving Permit Tax -Environmental Tax (Fee)-Excise Taxes -
Income Tax -Fishing License Tax -Food License Tax -Petrol Tax (too much per litre)
Gross Receipts Tax -Health Tax -Inheritance Tax -Interest Tax - Heating Tax -
Lighting Tax -Cooking Tax -Liquor Tax -Luxury Taxes -Marriage License Tax -Medicare Tax -Mortgage Tax and his pension -Personal Income Tax -Property Tax -Poverty Tax
Prescription Drug Tax -Real Estate Tax -Recreational Vehicle Tax -Retail Sales Tax
Service Charge Tax -School Tax & Tax what he buys and what he sells -Telephone Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax -Vehicle Sales Tax -Water Tax -Workers Compensation Tax -Tax (VAT) on Tax.
And Now they want a blooming Carbon Tax!

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...
& our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, a huge manufacturing base, and Mum stayed home to raise the kids.

What in the Hell happened?
Could it be the lying parasitic politicians wasting our money?
Oh, and don't forget the relatively new bank charges.

And we all know what we think of Bankers.

I hope this goes around the UK at least 1000 times!!!

YOU can help it get there!
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