

Active member
Aug 10, 2010
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Is it me or is it the more you do for people the worse u get treated??! I have worked for the same firm now for over four years, I have never had a day off sick or for being hungover! I have also never let them down when agreeing to work weekends. And I am always first to the yard every morning! And most days work through my break to get more work done! Call me a sad **** but that's how I was brought up. Doing all this u would think I would be favoured by my Employers... But am I ****! I have been passed from pillar 2 post, promised the best jobs where I can earn the money! Only to be put elsewhere! It's seems 2 be that the way 2 get on nowadays is don't give a **** have days off bcoz ur pissed! And if your late ring the yard and say can 1 of the lads pick me up on the way out! Oh and get stoned out ur Brain on the way 2 the job bcoz u can't drive! Oh and be rough as **** with ur job!!

Anyone else think the same??
Scaffolding seems to be full of c.unts nowadays.
Too many Slashers... too many grasses and too many jobsworth/arse-lickers and far too many d.ickheads.

I used to remember a time when Scaffolding was a laugh and Scaffolders were the characters on a job, but they come in everyday and they DID THE JOB PROPERLY!!!

Now i seem to keep running into chancers who CANNOT Scaffolder properly and just drift about from site to site, dossing, grassing and f.ucking jobs up.

Unfortunately, THOSE are the guys who get to earn the money, get the cream, get looked after and eventually end up in the office, bringing even more c.unts on the firm to carry on the never ending cycle, thats helping to kill this game.

Some firms ive been on actually seem to LIKE you coming in late, getting coked up on site, getting pissed at dinner time and slapping piles of shiite up during the day... i mean they simply must do, as those are the guys who are NEVER laid off, lol.
lol Sure your a scouser liverlad?? Makes you wonder why good staff are taken for granted without a second thought. Seen it happen loads over the years.
Agree with Jason mate. In my experience the fuk wits that act like cants & turn out bags of shiite get the easy jobs because they cannot be trusted with anything else.
The squeaky wheel always gets the oil was an old saying at my first firm & over the years it has turned out to be very, very true. Unfortunately I have a little bit too much pride in myself & my work to need any oiling. :)
Glad to hear that it's not only me then Lol! Unfortunately I have 2 much pride in myself as a human being to turn into a waste of a pair of ********!
Im the same mate.
Ive lost count the times ive been shiit on.

I come in everday, im in early, i never go home early and i do my job to the best of my ability, day-in day-out, all my jobs are neat and without any problems and i can read drawings with my eyes closed/deal with clients/Management, order gear, run a job - no worries.
I can be left well alone and 99.9% of the time, i will get the job done, without incident or grief - Most of the time im the Chargehand on a site, and things usually go hunky-doory.

But, im ALWAYS the first person that overlooked for overtime/weekends or just having the piss taken out of me, by some d.ickhead Supervisor - who ONLY looks after the useless c.unts.

I have given up trying to work it out, as i cant find a single sensible answer to it.
Jason, you obviously arn't related to the right people fella. Lol. I suffer the same affliction myself. Ive also been infected with 'iwillnotsuckcockitus' it's held me back over the years but it's something I'm proud to live with. ;-)
Yeah mate.
Im not a 'friend of a friend', so i rarely get looked after.

I also point blank refuse to grass and suck arse.
I have some pride left in me, that just wont allow me to do it.

This aint a beauty pageant..., this is Scaffolding and the only thing that should matter is how well you present yourself, how professional you are and how good you do your job and NOT how much arse you can lick.

F.uck them mate, its their loss.
If they wanna take the piss out of the decent blokes and eventually lose them to another firm and keep the c.unts - then its their problem, why shiit jobs are going up and they are getting grief.
ive been in this game 35 years half the blokes out there havent got a clue and would not have lasted a day in the job back in the day
but i agree the more loyal you there alway some dirty grassing little c_nt out there trying to stich the lads up to keep there job because if they dident grass the lads they would lose there job cause they dont know what the fu_k there doing
sorry to hear how u been treated, just another bad cashcow boss for the pile, shame ur not closer cos with that attitude i'd start u tomorror- keep ur chin up mate and dnt let the barsta.rds grind u down. :))
Cheers and nice 1 for the support! I was very close 2 just telling him 2 stick it 2day but I'm not cutting my nose of to spite my own face! I've written everything down and asked him can I have a word in private 2morrow morning before the lads get in. Most prob won't give a **** but I need 2 get it off my chest before I snap the prick in 2! Anyway onwards and upwards and hopefully new year will bring something different...:laugh:
what is it with scaffs and drugs ?? any ****** turns up at my job drugged up and they will get their druggie arse kicked the out... Bosh.
Havnt got a problem in Scaffs doing drugs but when I'm driving bcoz they havnt bothered there arses 2 get a licence and there either smoking a joint or doing a line then I have got a problem! As he is getting the same money as me and probably thought better off!
i had the fattest fook ever working with me earlier this year and he asked me if he could go get some speed on the way to work , i thought why not it might make him move a bit and we were on price , he got a quarter sniffed half ,bombed the other half talked loads of sh!t then done nothing all day . i must admit years ago i used to drink at work all the time ,sometimes getting 8 cans as soon as i left the yard . i have had coke at work a good few times ,again years ago but it just made me want to go to the bar .theres no place for it now though is there or am i getting old
Hahaha fuckin Allan 8 cans as soon as u left the yard!! I hear all these stories from years ago like finishing early on good dough and then down the pub every night with all the lads! Would of loved 2 of worked in those times
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