Self employed.

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Tony Mason

Well-known member
Sep 25, 2010
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Hi chaps, I might have to go self employed and would like to know what money I should be asking for. I was self employed until 2003 and it looks like I'll have to do it again. I have an idea of what I should ask for but would appreciate your veiws.
£15 per hour is normally a good starting point
Is it a day rate or price work Tony?

Is it local work or not?
The going rate is £14 ph min. but many pay more.
The going rate is £14 ph min. but many pay more.

that would buy a 13x5 i lift independent with a kicker lift and a 5x5 hop up if they dont take an hour off you for dinner.
My wages are in the bank every Thursday without fail.

I don't work for RHL it gives you depression.:cry:

Hi Swifty,

Just to reply to yourself. I didnt get depression because i worked for RHL. I got depression due to many other reasons. Not that i should have to go into it with you but last year was a particually bad year for me. Had a few deaths in my family, My children were in hospital quite a bit, My partner had a particually bad pregenancy and much more than that but i dont wish to discuss that with you.

So in future before you take the piss out of someone know the facts....Try reading up on depression and maybe you'll see what a debilitating illness it can be....
what goes around comes around

Paying someone on time, the amount agreed for work completed, is a binding right that has to be fulfilled by employer if this right is neglected or vialated then the one who broke the sweat, laboured hard has the upper hand in the sight of god. By the way things sound on this forum, robert hurst have ripped alot of people off regarding pay. So if what this chap says is true in relation to calamities in his family then i am sorry but what goes around comes around. could be retribution.

God bless u all.
Hi Swifty,

Just to reply to yourself. I didnt get depression because i worked for RHL. I got depression due to many other reasons. Not that i should have to go into it with you but last year was a particually bad year for me. Had a few deaths in my family, My children were in hospital quite a bit, My partner had a particually bad pregenancy and much more than that but i dont wish to discuss that with you.

So in future before you take the piss out of someone know the facts....Try reading up on depression and maybe you'll see what a debilitating illness it can be....

You don't live in Albert Square by any chance do you? :laugh:

Regardless of any personal problems, you're still an odious little individual.

(And so is your boyfriend)
In relation to your replies. On what goes around comes around.. Lets hope and pray nothing bad happens to you or your family. If it does come talk to me as i WILL be sympathetic.

Phil. No not Albert Square mate.... Things are scripted there unlike in real life.....
In relation to your replies. On what goes around comes around.. Lets hope and pray nothing bad happens to you or your family. If it does come talk to me as i WILL be sympathetic.

Phil. No not Albert Square mate.... Things are scripted there unlike in real life.....

For your information I suffer with M.E/CFS and yes, it often makes me depressed!

If you don't know what it is then google it and you'll discover that not only is it a nasty thing to have, but there are no drugs or medicines to pacify it. And it is there - constantly.

So I know all about depression and I know how hard life can be sometimes.

What I also know, however (although I'm far from perfect) is that regardless of anything else that maybe going on in my life, there are certain moral codes that I will always adhere to.

Paying a man his wages at the end of the week is one of them - and if there was ever a time where that wouldn't be possible, then I'm sure I'd have the decency to explain the situation at the first possible opportunity.

I would then have the tact to not come on a public forum a week later with the arrogant 'like it or lump it' attitude that you and your colleague have often displayed.....
I have never displayed a like it or lump it attitude... If you like to point me to the thread where i am like that then that would be good. I have always been courteous on this forum even when people have not been like that to me. But what i will not accept is when people attack my family. I'm sure you would not like this yourself either.

When it comes to Slav and his wages. He was paid in full and unfortunately i was not at work to resolve the situation. So the guys in the office tried to the best of there ability resolve it in my absence and were for want of a better word "abused" on this forum.

If you suffer with depression then you yourself know how debilitating it can be so I would of thought you would have more sympathy for someone that also suffers from an illness like yourself. I certainly didn't appreciate how bad things can get with it until I suffered myself.

I did keep in constant contact with Slav when i was at work with updates of what was happening and did everything in my power to get him paid. So continue to slag me off that's fine.

I'm sorry to hear what you suffer from and have the upmost sympathy for you.

Hope you have a good 2011 and that it is a good year for you.

p.s. I have a family member that suffers from Chronic Fatigue Sydrome like yourself and ended up losing his job over it so i do know what you suffer from.
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