security clearance


Active member
May 12, 2010
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alrite lads just a quick question .does anybody know how long it takes to be cleared for the british energy nuclear sites .with already having the basic disclosure [scotland]..................cheers :):):)
alrite lads just a quick question .does anybody know how long it takes to be cleared for the british energy nuclear sites .with already having the basic disclosure [scotland]..................cheers :):):)

Its all about backlog Pal, When it will be will be, make sure to disclose all offences however minnor!!! undiscloseure is the only reason lads don't get passes! honesty is the best policy, believe me.;)
Hi, the biggest problem is getting references for the last 3 years for all the firms you have worked for which have to be submited with your Disclouser Scotland.

basic disclosure is a load of **** a couple of firms with ye mates number will see you thru concerning ref: also it only valid for 6mths unless you are already employed in the nuclear industry ,£25 i ask you whens it going to end.
kendodd you are spot on the disclosure scotland is bull s**t but this is the requirements of the vetting process or so i am told you think it possible to be cleared with in a day i ask this because lads are telling me they have been cleared within 24 hours which i think is bull **** to be honest
Remember going on a job for rig blast years ago price work about £1800 for 3 days work but when we got there one of the lads got knocked back when doing our passes.
When he ask what's the ******* problem he go the answer back "What about you armed robbery " LOL ?????
i would be surprised if clearence was done in a day it took 2/3weeks even when i was on the station,c they tell you its a must but the last mth of the shutdown they flooded the job with 20more scaffs no clearance required ???? you tell me its ******** .
easy peesy on line is simple enough get on web site disclosure scotland, trust me mate its a fu##in blag run by excons; get the start first and ask the cowboys to pay the fee .
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