Scafftag - tell us what you think


Dec 8, 2010
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Gents it's been a while since I posted anything on the Forum although I have been watching from afar! A few months back a good number of you visited our sponsor box on the right hand side of the home page and completed the survey we were running. We had some good positive input into how we were performing and we thank you for taking the time to do so. We have already taken note of some of the constructive comments you made and we are working to address those. We will soon be announcing some changes to our 'much loved' and famous (or should that be infamous?) Scafftag - but we want to hear more. We have revamped the survey and would be delighted to hear more of your comments (good and bad). In return for your time we are offering you a 'quality' mug completely free of charge and a tea bag 'to boot' so you can have a 'drink on us'! How good is that? Anyway if you are interested, click on the Scafftag sponsor box on the right hand side, complete the survey and you too will be the proud owner of a shiny new red Scafftag mug. Quality.
Bred into you porridge munchers :D

in't Kingdom o' Yorkshire "Owt for Nowt" and we always in't front :blink:
Not always Rigger as this jocks ahead of you on this thread. I'll be supping mug of tetley out ma new mug by morning.:)
Hear all, see all, say nowt

eat all sup all, pay nowt

and if you do owt for nowt, do it for thisen
We have had a few of them already this weekend.:rolleyes:
done, but would rather a box of tags lol, mind you can't complain i'm gettin mug for free....
Mine arrived last week, looks really good, that's what happens when you live in the middle of no where Jackdan.:D
mines not here yet and i have used 732 scafftags since i filled it in , shnell shnell
You guy's will have to move out the sticks and get yourself a descent postcode.:D
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