the threads say it all it will take pyeroy along time to get over this that's if they ever do I hope not wouldn't surprise me if oneway is owned by this bunch of kunts like I said on a previous thread step aside pyeroy IF YOU CANT KEEP UP WITH THE PACK DONT RUN WITH THE WOLVES they are blatantly stripping all men of their employment rights and entitlements agents was supposed to fill in on temporary positions available fek you pyeroy rot in your own sewer pit scc
Well that says it all to me SCC. Thanks lads. The only predicament is that im cards in with Pyeroy at the moment. Down manned from offshore, they have offered there or Rosyth. Will give it a wide birth. Hopefully they will pay me off and I can start new adventures somewhere else.
For what its worth im not overly impressed with the way Pyeroy have handled my situation, bit thats another thread.
:laugh::laugh::laugh:That fat cnt at oneway has turned over more men than elton john, okay bye is all you get out the trollup.....may she choke on one of the six snickers she has had today