scaffolding supervisor


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
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1 new job found

Tecnimont ICB - Chandigarh, CH
body (eg. Saudi Aramco Scaffold Supervisor or... as immediate supervisor of scaffolding erectors and craftsmen Keywords: Scaffolding Company Profile...
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hiya,have you got an email address for this position,so i may apply?
had a conference interveiw for this job last year with aramco,then spoke to a few guys who had worked on it,not good by all accounts,living on armed compound and no drinking unless you go out to bahrain,passed on that one.
have no problem staying on an armed base!,did it for 6yrs before

armed base should be no problem with a name called sniper. Saudi is ***** but ok if you need some overseas experience and you can get home brew all the time.
this is the only details that wer sent the web page is NAUKri .com its an indian firm and i ihave been reciving them ever since i registerd with times jobs the its an indian site i got spooked when the whanted to many personal details just might be me being to suspisious
Hi, ive been in Saudi last two and a half years, lifes ok, need make sure you get multi entry visa and pass for car to go to Bahrain, i travel daily from Bahrain to Jubail its one and a half hours.
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