scaffolding poem or song.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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The Arena of Life ( TOON )
Thought for a bit of fun we might like to chip in and help create a theme song for the SCCR :nuts::laugh:

To the theme of my ol man,s

My ol man,s a Scaffolder
He work,s up in the air
When people are a walking past
They sometime,s stop and stare.

My ol man,s a Scaffolder
He wear,s a scaffolders belt
He works up so close to the Sun
Sometimes I think he,ll melt

He put,s the scaffold up
he takes the scaffold down
Oh work he has got a plenty
Cos he work,s to TG:20

He stands them long un,s up
Top,s off above his head
His skin is made of leather
his brains are fcukin lead.

He does,nt work alone
He works with other men
They are the safest in the land
And work to SG4:10

We have the NASC
We have the SCCR
Which one should we join
Let,s discuss it in the Bar.

This thread is either gonna crash an burn or ?

Im off out now, so see what you can come up with , :nuts::toung:
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