Scaffolding overhang


New member
Sep 10, 2024
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Looking for some advice of possible.
I returned home from work today and the council had erected scaffolding overhanging our private property with no prior notice. There is no ground supports in place but the overhang is approx 1m at a height of 2m.
First and foremost is this safe, I have 2 young kids as well as the dog who are in this part of the garden every day and overhangs their play area, and secondly should they have sought prior permission before erection?
Pictures attached.
Thanks in advance for any help👍


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They should definitely have sought permission as it is not legal to "oversail" your property.

How do you know it was the council that erected the scaffold? It's unlikely it would be them that erected the scaffold, they may be the client however.

As to whether it is safe or not, there must be a design for that scaffold which you should ask for. But you are perfectly within your rights to insist that it is removed immediately.
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