Scaffolding off shore !!!!!!


Oct 25, 2011
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Hi iv been scaffolding now for 8 years and I feel like iv gone as far as it can take me im 24 and I would like to give offshore a try so any tips and info about it would be good and helpful thanks
i'm sure it can take ya alot more places pal everyday is a learning curve i no lads that been doin it 20 odd years n still learn new things.. but for the offshore part ya will need to do ya survival n just ring the companys everyday allday. will be hard at first but once ya off n if u r any gd i'm sure they will keep ya on.
John 788 Same old reason mate, supply & demand, more scaffolders looking to work offshore than there are jobs to fill

have a look around the Forum, there are many threads and posts concerning off shore work.

read some of the stickies in the job section
Things are tight offshore at the moment John , you may do all the survival and mist stuff and get one or two trips . I always found being on a blue book site and just listening to what was going on was the best way forward but even that is hard these days . Best of luck mate .
A friend of Mine told me there is guna be a big boom in jobs next year ??? Has any1 else Hurd this
No in fact the opposite ,the oil price and demand are said to drop in 2013,which does look good for a boom.
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A friend of Mine told me there is guna be a big boom in jobs next year ??? Has any1 else Hurd this


Demand for this type of work will always fluctuate, oil price goes up and down more often than a prossies knickers and even if there was a boom in oil it wouldn't necessarily mean a boom for the scaffs. In fact, there was a lot of talk some time ago about a lot of de-commissioning work but that seemed to go quiet as they found new ways of extending the life of a well and fields.

There are 2 ways to find your way in, either get your dad to buy his own rig or go and do the survival courses and fire your C.V in to every company you can think of including the agencies up in Aberdeen as they are some times utilised for a few trips to make sure you haven't got horns growing out your head.

It's a risk, as there have been many who did the courses that have never stepped foot on a rig and others who after 1 trip realised it was just not for them but if you don't buy a ticket you will never win the raffle. Good luck.
I think I'm guna give it a shot got nothing to lose apart from a few £££ got a few phone numbers of a mate if mine to ring a d see where it takes me thanks for all the info guys
work wise you do some tasty jobs but there are loads of winkers and backstabbers.the work isnt always steady and the attitude of the lassies that deal with HR is disgracefull at times.
im a great beleiver in nothing ventured nothing gained so best of luck in whatever you decide.
If any of you good chaps out there could throw some advice my way, I would be very grateful.

I'm a 28 year old part two Scaff, undergoing my advanced with full survival & boat transfer blah blah blah.
I've been trying for 16-17 months to get that first trip away offshore, be it platforms or wind farms, but to no avail.
It seems experience is key, as opposed to giving some one a chance to gain any experience.
Is there anybody having or had similar issues & can maybe give some good advice.
I'm all ears.
Many thanks.
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