Scaffolding nicknames


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
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Hi guys,

We're hoping you can give us a hand.

We know there are several different nicknames for scafolders, like scaffs, scaffys and so on but we'd like a little clarity particularly regarding offshore scaffs and if they are the same as North Sea Tigers? And maybe offshore have different nicknames depending on where they are?

Would appreciate your help :)
I like to splice my wife with a big ben, till her nipples are like little scaffold butts......

It not where your from it's what your into hahaaaaaa

Sent from Porno mike
I once bleached my hair when I was younger and it went whiter than white so I had to endure a couple of months been called Brigette Neilsson :D
Blimey! Turn my back on you lot for a few minutes and look at all the responses! :D


What is the difference between offshore and North Sea Tigers? Are they the same job?
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