Scaffolding from a building development in Hayes collapsed Today!

On my first glance fully sheeted scaffolding on a flat roof it wouldn't have took much to have a gantry in the base then buttress the independent back looks like they were relying on the returns to hold it big mistake with sheeted scaffolds and to be honest we have not even started with the ad weather yet.
This had been up a while now judging from the before photo from July. Wind blowing around the corner on the end of the scaffold sucked it off and it just unzipped. It is surprising how much wind load acts on the corners of scaffolds and not having a return coupled with no ties leaves them very vulnerable.

The message needs to get home to main contractors men and designers who continually pressure scaffolders by refusing to make allowances for ties.


  • Station Road Hayes.jpg
    Station Road Hayes.jpg
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I'm glad I'm not involved in that one - the TG20 tying rules are probably not applied to the main scaffold either.

And one more thing - it has an 18m span monopitch roof with beams at over 2m spacing - I wonder if they are reduced capacity Combisafe ones? They certainly look like it.
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