scaffolding card dilema


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Jul 30, 2011
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hi all,I done a full aprenticeship at bircham newton ncc in 2002,i got my part 1 part 2 and advance certs threw and used them until present now here is the problem.companies want a cisrs card so i tried to get this and was told my portfolio was not complete ive just re registered and had another portfolio sent out at the cost of £102 now they are saying that when the portfolio is handed in i will need to do a 2 day assesment at the cost of £ this the correct way about this?also when i do the 2 day assesment will i get my advanced card?
Where did you hear this mate ? A training centre. The problem is that the cut off date for just upgrading (so to speak !) your CITB card to CISRS one was end Dec 2010. You could appeal to the CISRS scheme manager !!?
Good luck mate
was told this from the ncc bircham newton when i re do i go about contacting the scheme manager?
This whole card/portfolio palaver needs to be addressed by the CITB or higher if you ask me.

Its just an over the top money making scheme that causes more grief to Scaffolders then it actually helps. - The amount of money our courses cost, you'd have thought that there would be more support given to help us understand and complete our training... Its not like they aint making the money to provide the extra services to us, lol.

Heres some links that might be handy for you.

CISRS website.
CITB website.
Scaffolders Forum - Portfolio Help Thread.

Good luck mate.
Why did you have to re register ? Have you to start again from trainee ?
The CISRS scheme manager is David Mosley
You could appeal to him in writing, can be email.
You will need a good reason as to why your eye was off the ball, why you didn't upgrade like for like card before the cut off date which was Dec last year
Hi Scaff84 and welcome to the forum. There have been a few on this forum lately with similar questions. I think the answer was you are right on to plums with this one as 9 years have past without completing the right paper work. You might not think it but you may also be getting off fairly lightly with just doing the 2 day assessment, as a few guy's I know have had to start from scratch.
thanks lads for your input will check out the links phone the college again and post what the out come is.i hope its not the case i need to start from trainee level.
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