When I started scaffolding was a good job.Everyone blames agencies for the crap that,s going on now.Let,s have it right.If the companies employed direct then agencies would not exist.I can,t help thinking that scaffs have been sold out by the companies that made them what they are today.I would like to be employed by a company on a full time basis.The unfortunate thing is I come from " up north" Now, anyone who lives anywhere North of London will understand this.The fact is there is very little work North of London.The north is being starved of work!I would be more than happy to stay at home if I could get a job up there,my other option is to work in London via agency,not get paid lodge,get lied to and still pay £130 per week for a room in London and £109 per week up North.So let,s have it in perspective.Asking for dig money all the time is not out of order.Why aren,t scaff companies taking all this on board?Because they don,t want to pay what scaffs are worth.Agencies exist ecause the companies don,t want to know.That,s why I say scaffolding has gone down the pan.Get the Scaffs Union going!