
He is lucky to be alive Chris , tell him to stick to nicking the roofers lead like the rest of the lads do.
Might have been left there by Pip's cat.
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well spotted Swifty a fair assumption to the well trained eye, I would confirm it resembles the remains of a well tugged number :eek:...

On a more serious, I hope the Brother Scaff recovers soon and no harm meant by the Criac above, I recall a similar incident when a cable was passed through the inside of a tube, the tube was cut with the resulting pet hate is welders pushing their spent rods inside tube, its a ca nt when you come to strike...
Remember hearing about a guy working for beacon scaffolding in London!
Went to strike a council job in Camden and was killed outright cos some **** had wired the mains to the scaffold! Very sad!
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