scaffolder arrested recent riots


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
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Christopher Heart, a scaffolder from Chingford with two children, admitted theft.

Police had arrested the 23-year-old outside JD Sports wearing a brand new pair of Lacoste trainers and a body warmer with the label still attached. He wept throughout the hearing, and was given conditional bail. As he was led from the dock, wiping tears from his eyes with his T-shirt, hesaid: "I apologise for all the inconvenience I have caused at these recent riots."
It's becoming increasingly alarming hearing about the people arrested and their lifestyles/ backgrounds.

It sort of throws out the idea of them being disillusioned, dis-associated "youngsters" with no hope or future.

All very upsetting and disturbing :(
As I have said before I don't buy the whole "nothing to do" excuse. When I was a nipper all I needed to amuse me was a 99p plastic football from the garage and a couple of jumpers for goalposts.

As for politics, how many of them were so disillusioned that they bother to take 5 minutes of their time to vote at the last general election?

Some people float through life making excuses for their failings and others do something to improve their prospects.

These simply people just looking for a cheap thrill.
Jail the fecking scum,
no sympathy what so ever for the knob, family or not.
It's scum like this that burnt down peoples homes and business's.
the problem lies with the judges giving sentences that do not corresponed with the offence,you see young kids roaming the street at all hours ,and the parents coudnt care less,dont no where they are,when they get into trouble nothing is done,when i was a kid the very sight of a policeman was enough not to do anything wrong, now a days cops have there hands tied with all this human rights crap, kids no about this and play the card,authorties are frustrated ,police are the same,when they do go before a judge they are back on the streets doing the same thing,so lets see if THE PM lives up to his promise and put the scum behind bars
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