Scaff Tags & Closed Scaffolds



This gets right up my nose!!

Site I am on most of the time wants us to use the scaff step, if we have a 1" gap in the toe board fill it. Brick guard not 100% straight replace it etc!!

Yet if I have a plot with a red scaff tag on the site agent will instruct the brickies to use it. Two plots today, one with no access, they climbed form one to the other to get to it. Yet when I say any thing its like I am making trouble.

Close of day they get one loading bay loaded with a full pack of blocks then go home. Four lifts up 90% off the main scaffold!

Its mad in the real world!!

when it suits mate with site agents till something go wrong then it is slipprey shoulders time for them
This gets right up my nose!!

Site I am on most of the time wants us to use the scaff step, if we have a 1" gap in the toe board fill it. Brick guard not 100% straight replace it etc!!

Yet if I have a plot with a red scaff tag on the site agent will instruct the brickies to use it. Two plots today, one with no access, they climbed form one to the other to get to it. Yet when I say any thing its like I am making trouble.

Close of day they get one loading bay loaded with a full pack of blocks then go home. Four lifts up 90% off the main scaffold!

Its mad in the real world!!


unfinished or not tagged? just leave a nice trap end, just enough to frighten works every time
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