royal wedding are you being payed!!!!


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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are you working or are you being payed to be off. been told its down to certain contracts if your self employed it will be no as usual:laugh:
We are on the Easter shutdown anyway, however, instead of 5 days holiday pay, we are getting 6 days pay.

Most of us are working them, 4 days last week, 3 days next week, 4 days the week after, and 3 days hol in lieu, might take another 3 Mondays, so i can waffle sh1te on a Sunday night on here. Nowt new there, i hear you cry.
Paddy talking ***** never , how you doing mate I been looking on here when I can and nowt much seems to be happening , I ll get pipped up when I get time and upset every body get a heated debate going on
Paddy talking ***** never , how you doing mate I been looking on here when I can and nowt much seems to be happening , I ll get pipped up when I get time and upset every body get a heated debate going on

I am fine mate, never heard a rant off you since you bought our SCCR beanie, does the SCCR have that effect on all the members? Outstanding members of the local community, putting up for elections as councillors and Magistrates?????????

Steady on tiger, Patrice on the falling down water springs to mind...........
Up to your employer if you get paid for bank holiday or not.
I asked the question and was told no way!!!!1
When they set the date for the wedding they didn't seem to consider that small businesses are going to find it pretty tough, having just had the Easter break, and paying workers for no productivity, and then again the the next weekend, and then another day off at the end of May!

Wouldn't it have been nicer to have had the Wedding, say end of February... seeing as we've had to work since January with no bank holidays?

I don't like this idea of cheering up the country by giving us a day off to watch the lavish wedding! It was billed as "something for us all to look forward to"!

At least we're enjoying some great bank holiday weather - hope you all are :)
PAYE = bank holiday. But this will more than likely come out of your annual holiday entitlement.

Fcuking Royal wedding my arse.

Great innit, we cant afford to run hospitals, look after the elderly or do sod all else thats a part of everday life but we can afford to blow millions on some inbreeds to get married our expense.
dave i concur mate horrible when i see such wastage as this in these times of austerity.
Our staff will get the same oppertunity as good Friday to work one of our problems is the lads say they are commin in then dont trap last fri 8 droped to 3 + me and the boss leavin us lookin bad we wouldnt book the work in other wise

i know we dont pay the highest rates but we dont muck about with wages either
Not a lover of the so called "Royals"and all the other "privilaged" people that hang on to power by virtue of birth and not ability

The whole concept does not fit in with a democracy,We should have followed the French, Germans and most other Countries and got shut years ago

The House of Lords should be abolished and a proper system of Government brought in, that truly represents the views of the people of the UK
its quite unbelievable rigger that theres folk who still believe in these mono-lithic set ups mate bang on with your comment too about the lords-commons totally out of touch with the people.
Dont get me wrong, Im not anti-royals, I think they do a great deal of good for this country in a lot of ways but.....It shouldnt be at our fcking expense, its not like they are scraping an existence is it.
Dont get me wrong, Im not anti-royals, I think they do a great deal of good for this country in a lot of ways but.....It shouldnt be at our fcking expense, its not like they are scraping an existence is it.

me too
i recon that the country gets a lot of visability world wide as a result but i recon unlike us mear commoners they dont get to choose their own dates the powers that be (gov) do that
and remember they get paid for failing the people
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