rope access


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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been working with a couple of lads that are rope access guys not every bodys cup of tea but there saying that there quite in demand for work not all hanging by your b!llocks but a variety of work same as our work without the humpping and the money seems the same as ours for a 8 hour shift i aked how long the course was i was told a week for a level1 roughly 600 quid and level 2 once youve reached 1000 hours logged work. then you do another week and hey your a way with the mixer work seems to be on a who you no bases the same as the scaffold industry so basically 1.200 quid for the courses and then you purchase your kit you need the guy said to me take away my ropes and harneses and i just a labourer i though a rope access guy would have to be trainned for years and years or is it just the poor scaffolders
that get a bad deal
I would say the grass isn't always greener Dico, I've met a couple of scaff's who thought they could get on the ropes only to discover the 1000 hours is the hard bit with no one interested in level 1. It was a while ago mind so things could have changed.
Level 1 get same pay as Level 2.. thing is you need a trade .... they won't pay you for climbing and hanging off ropes... rope access guys are 99% climbers and the most boring ***** you will meet... stick with scaffolding, far more skillfull, and with the rrope access, you have to do the whole course and test every 4 years,, right fukin con...
Yes mate special access systems ) part of Rigblast. worked in North sea , got my Level 2, did'nt renew it .. **** paying out to do all the course every 4 years, did some work onshore aswell, worked offshore scaffing mainly, but did 2 years rope access, got a bit more dosh for that than the scaffolding.. but the people were weird as **** mate...
Level 1 get same pay as Level 2.. thing is you need a trade .... they won't pay you for climbing and hanging off ropes... rope access guys are 99% climbers and the most boring ***** you will meet... stick with scaffolding, far more skillfull, and with the rrope access, you have to do the whole course and test every 4 years,, right fukin con...
Agree with Deb.
Worked on two sites (Wilton & North Tees) where the so called R.A.T's work and they are one lazy, boring, big headed, knob sucking, chewy, bunch of tossers !
They think they are the saviours of work at heights !
W.A.N.K.E.R.S !!!!!!!
Their managers are bigger W.A.N.K.E.R.S !!!!!
I think that about covers it Dico.:cool::D
yep.... all tied up those IRATA *******.. and the Level 3's think there god.. right *****.... soft *****...

By the way, my wife just said I'm a sad **** on here Sat nite.. ha ha...
Tell her she is worse as she married a sad scaff.:D
yep.... all tied up those IRATA *******.. and the Level 3's think there god.. right *****.... soft *****...

By the way, my wife just said I'm a sad **** on here Sat nite.. ha ha...
Give her my number mate and I'll sort her out for you.
Can't face any more Thomas the Tanks !
Your joking mate... you havent seen her... LMFAO.. our young en's binned thomas.. onto Dora the explorer now lol...

I have been discussing the Training requirements and Core Skill Base for the Specialist Operatives who will install/erect the New Technologies Access and Working Platforms with will be required for Both New Builds and Decommissioning of the Redundant and Abandonment Program of the North Sea Installations.

A Tripartite Skilled Specialist Crews which will consist of Scaffolding, Rigging and Rope access Disciplines. I am NOT talking about diluting nor devaluing any of these disciplines, nor am I condoning Multi Tasking ( Paint Brush, Water Jetting ect ) I am talking about enhancing the access and working platforms installation of New Technologies Systems which require the Tripartite Skills.

was talking to a few on cardiff arms millenium stadium just before it opened,them lads were on good money,after that job they were eding off to saudi.still thought they were the dogs bo==ox,tossers.
am a scaffolder an done the course 3 years ago, got work just after i passed the course and the people who u work with are a gang of know it all helmets, couldnt wait to get back scaffolding, you are best having a trade if you wanna do rope access
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