Rolling notice


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2009
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Had my consultation about 6 weeks ago but work has picked up again, been told today that I'm on rolling notice. What does this actually mean ?
I'm assuming it just mean's they can put me on notice without going through the consultation process again, am i right ?
If anyone can shed light on this it would be appreciated, a bit of a grey area for me.
Me to Skyhook, I would guess so they can drop you as soon as they please. Is this got anything to do with adverse conditions or just general policy?
Was under the illusion that it means your continually on notice so they can get rid at the drop of the hat mate , theres guys down here that work in a factory that are on it
it just rolls you over friday to friday but you should get a letter every week telling you that you have been rolled over for another week
Just general policy I'm assuming, also it's from one of the big offshore employers.

Posted to the Legal advice thread also.

Thanks for your input.
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been on this before myself many years ago, got union in and they sorted it they can only keep you on this for so long. this may not be the case nowadays but would check it out with ACAST commarade.
skyhook you on your 90days mate???if your 6weeks into it and they approach you with rolling notice it means that your stuck at 42days,meaning when they officially resind the rolling notice you have 48 to serve.strange way of working isnt it?hope you get kept on mate.
Years back with SGB things got quiet and we were all put on protective notice, basically what it meant was if work did'nt pick up we would be let go gradually, a few were let go after about 2 weeks and then work started coming in and were taken back. At that time if you were out 13 weeks you could claim redundancy if you had the time in. It was called protective notice because you could start looking for a job without loosing redundancy entitlements and it also protected the employer as they did'nt have to keep issuing notice every week, there was a time limit on it, can't remember what it was.
sounds not a bad system mate,did it work on the 1st in last out method brandy or was it management picks mate.
skyhook, in simple terms here you are going to get some time on the dole. Get looking around as its coming.
First in last out Celticbhoy. It was in the 80's we were all in the union but have to say management were first class, all a happy family so to speak. Have that athmosphere in my own company now, we're all in it together. Do the work, have the craic.
that was the firm right through mate,class at every level no matter what door you chapped.thats good that you have that spirit at your firm mate.
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