RIP young Rodders


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
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Where Eurovision was
Found out today that wee Roddy Macdonald died from the dreaded big C.
He was wi Aberdeen Scaffolding Co. for years, starting on the Brent Bravo hook-up when he worked wi Gilly Norwood, also departed, and the great Scout as foreman. The Scout sadly died on Piper Alpha. Been ill for a long time but never complained. Great mate wi never a bad word to say about anyone or anything. I will miss him.:sad2:
condolances family and freinds rip
My old man is Eddie Stephenson who worked for Aberdeen Scaffolding in the 80s , he was on the ninian feild and a lot of other fields .

Sad news indeed, I often had a bucket wi wee Roddy, I mind when he left the Trawling and started with Aberdeen Scaffolding, he was part of the Newton Hill Mafia, Gilly Norwood, John Rush ect---aye happy days---we all worked together on the Brent B and other Northern Operations in the very early 70's, that long ago I cana remember the year never mind the date---the days when there was no harnesses, working over the side in the middle of the night blowin a hoolie, nae gloves, army blankets on the bunks, whats if yi were lucky to get a bunk.

Consonances to Family and Friends

RIP Roddy wee Man...
aye, Paddy M8---and there was lads form Newcastle, Sunderland and I particularly remember a Scaffolder from Jarra by the Name of Kevin McGoldrick---great bunch of Guys---hard workers, hard drinkers and hard Men and never took nae lip fae nae c*nt.

Jist passed mi UK Offshore Medical, doing my Survival ( again :cry: ) 26,27 and 28th April---then back oot again...

Fae yer Paaal in the North

aye, Paddy M8---and there was lads form Newcastle, Sunderland and I particularly remember a Scaffolder from Jarra by the Name of Kevin McGoldrick---great bunch of Guys---hard workers, hard drinkers and hard Men and never took nae lip fae nae c*nt.

Jist passed mi UK Offshore Medical, doing my Survival ( again :cry: ) 26,27 and 28th April---then back oot again...

Fae yer Paaal in the North


Gar you have been there, and designed the T-Shirt, feck that, pull up a chair on the Beach, Bro. Have a word with SF admin, and get a 40 hr a week job, as assistant Admin/ technical director or adviser.:D
PMSL na Paddy M8---I'll be Scaffolding till my Spanner drops from my nerveless grarp---bury me at sea---lash me to a Long un and send me to Neptune Scaffolding...

Still work to be done regarding Offshore Procedures ;)

Scaffs Rule :eek:

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