Rescue Plan


New member
Feb 17, 2011
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Hi Guys

I'm in need of a little help and this must be the best place to ask for it

I need a rescue plan and the process i'm going to use is that if someone has fallen then i would use a fall arrest and rescue block, the inertia reel type.

Has anyone got a rescue plan of this nature and comments are welcome( think i'm going to get them anyway):bigsmile:
Drop me your e-maill address, I have got one but it is in PDF don’t know if it will be anygood for you but better then none.
Hi Guys

I'm in need of a little help and this must be the best place to ask for it

I need a rescue plan and the process i'm going to use is that if someone has fallen then i would use a fall arrest and rescue block, the inertia reel type.

Has anyone got a rescue plan of this nature and comments are welcome( think i'm going to get them anyway):bigsmile:
Hi spacemonkey
I have a rescue plan in word format if you want a copy pm me
Hi spacemonkey
Join the SCCR and see what we have on offer, we have done some research into this matter, and the findings are there to be viewed.
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