Reasons for jacking a job

Too many to mention, but I do remember a time when I was trying to break free of a firm that I had worked for a few years I would jack go try something else and be back with my tail between my legs a few weeks later then jack again. They were getting a bit fed up with this and every time I saw the boss we would argue like cat and dog as I didn't want to be there and whilst he needed somebody he was getting sick of the sight of my sour face. He had a bit of a stutter which got worse as he got angrier and for some reason I found myself stuttering a bit trying to say the words for him, he thought I was ripping the piss out of him and sacked me on the spot. Today they would be heading for a tribunal but I left laughing my head off and 15 years later still brings a smile to my face when I think about it. I never ever did tell him it was his stutter that made me stutter.:toung:
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nothing to do with the job it was more what was going on after and before work, constantly on the piss and i mean on the piss.
the job was the shiehallion in belfast, we got there and straight away were told we were going on nights, we thought **** that means no drink (how wrong we were, the night shift gaffer loved a swally)
from day 1 till day 21 we were fukcing mortal, we even got a £300 bonus for pulling this tank out in double quick time,(speed was in at the time) i can't even remember stripping it:nuts:
it got to day 22 and me and me pals were sitting in the bar looked at each other and said "I" thats enough, booked a taxi went to digs got gear went to the airport and got the 8 AM flight back, we even knocked the complimentry bottle of brown ale back on the plane.
happy days;)
This bloke didn't jack but he couldn't go to work one day has is mother said he had a stomach bug.Its was a Monday morning so we all know what he had BROWN BOTTLE FLU
Hey Jackdan, did you ever meet a friend of mine when you were in Belfast Kenny MacCalman. He might even have been the gaffer that liked a swally.:)
Were you there with rbg, I heard some good stories from that job.
No mate we were on it with UPRITE a firm long gone in the north east (RIP nipper).

we were only there 3 week, i think RGB were doing externals and superstructure while Uprite were doing the tanks?, thats all we did.
yes some great stories pal, absolutely mental,
came home for a month and then went to birkenhead to do exactly the same:nuts: (but we could come home on weekend to dry out)
Maybe it was just as well you only did 3 weeks from what I hear.:sick::sick:
started on a monday morning ,got to this companys yard,things dint feel right so i told the foreman i would make my own way to site,got on site,saw a yellow jack tower up to about 35ft,loads of 9inch solid concrete blocks,when boss turned up he said i had to carry for the brickies all day,five mins after he said that i was half way home,shortest job i ever had,15mins.:D:D
I've nearly walked off, but for some reason didn't...

I arrived on a site to collect gear and the main gate was locked, so I went to the back gate to get on that way. At this point the site HSE/agent comes storming over saying I cannot park there and had to park in a seperate car park about 500 yards away. I pointed out that I was there to collect gear, I needed access to the site and didnt want to walk gear that far, espicially through a school playground! To which he leaned through the pickup window, finger in my face screaming that I shouldnt dare speak to him like that, I should do as I'm told and he'd get my boss to sack me. More out of shock than anything, I resisted the urge to bash his head against the window and finally got access through the main gate....

In hindsight, I should've just gone "ok then"... and drove off.
my mate worked on forth rail bridge hated sittin about in cabin when bad weather so woke up to go to work noticed it was rainin fone gaffer asked him wot the weather on bride was like gaffer said weather on bridge is saying to come in or your sacked well he did,nt go back v funny when he told me :laugh:
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