R.I.P Robin Thomas - Hoggy


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
Reaction score
BP Grangemouth
Goodbye to a good friend.
My heart goes out to his family.
Cancer - One day i hope they find a cure.
Funeral is today at 1pm.
Cancer is a terrible disease, I too hope for a cure one day.
Killed my mother through cancer of the liver, sh1t watching her die that way.

Condolences mate.
Condolences to his family.

My beloved old Dad died of pancreatic cancer a couple of months ago and it broke my heart.

What a horrible, nasty disease it is.
Aye my mum too, different type, all as tragic.

Sorry for your loss red.
Condolances all round Red,
Took my sister as well, it's horriffic.
Chin up mate.
Condolences to all of Robin's family and friends on behalf of the Scaffolders Forum.

Best Regards

SF Admin
condolances to family and freinds
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