Q scaffolding. any knowledge on them??.

Joe bawden

Well-known member
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
i been offerd a start for monday with them. i know there a polish outfit. although the jobs i c are very clean and well put up in my oppinion. should i stay or should i go now lol
i used to like you hswt. thing is im asking advice, and thats what this is about aint it?. also your contridicting yourself because you made a thread asking advice on a certain scaffold the other day. so with out being negative. or starting ww3 on this forum. im more than entitled to prepare myself for a change. 6 ps hswt. prior prep prevents **** poor preformance
no its me mate. im abit tender. double shifting days in to nights tends to make you argumentative lol. one love hswt mwah x
Only you can decide. Life is about making your own decisions whether they be right or wrong. You can't hide behind the forum's skirts forever. We are fellow scaffs not mothers.

That reply made me laugh best reply on here for a long time:laugh:
Joe ...my friend u must be in a bad way if ur even thnking of jumping ship to a polish mob
Lol. Nah money hungry. I'm just sick of nights so looking closer to home. Jumped on a local house bash for abit instead. Two mins down the road, or a tenner extra? Local is the key!
**** working for sausage rolls. I take it the wedge is alright if you're considering it?
yea mate its a good part one rate anyway. i decided to leave it and let some one else have it because my city spell has ended for abit while i go comfy and local based.
There not polish joe it's owned by the bloke who set up lift scaffolding sky or something is his name I asked the same question as u about a year ago

Search thru em mate should help ;)
was on a firm but its all night work. good for a few months but im turning into a sub mariner who dont see daylight
Think of the bread joe I myself can't wait to do nights on my firm earn lots of doe, then lash it up , wrong attitude i know but that's what a bank balance means to me lol
Nightshifts hard work man. Was doin 7 nights 12 hour shifts recently. No life whatsoever outside of work. It's ok for a spell but you can't do it indefinitely.
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Tell the truth I've only done the odd night here and there so not best qualified bloke to say but I would love a station or something to come up 3 months or so constant nights, apart from krav maga/ gym as u say there would be any life but would look forward to after the job lol ;)
Who's DL????? I think your mistaking me for some one else. So what's tone like???? What's the pay for nights?
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